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邓小平同志明确提出的“发展高科技、实现产业化”指明了高技术研究的目标,体现了科学技术是第一生产力的社会功能,阐明了高技术研究与产业化的关系。加速高技术产业化是目前我国带动产业结构调整、增强产品出口竞争能力、进一步扩大内需,从而实现国民经济可持续发展的关键措施之一,是解决国内一系列深层次矛盾的重要途径之一。高技术产业的发展将成为衡量一个国家社会发展水平和国际竞争能力的重要标志。而中科院正在进行的知识创新工程是技术创新与高技术产业化的基础,是不竭的源泉和动力。江总书记为科学院的题词指出:“要努力把中国科学院建设成为具有国际先进水平的科学研究基地、培养造就高级科技人才的基地和促进我国高技术产业发展的基地”。因此加速高技术产业化、促进经济发展,是科学院责无旁贷的神圣使命,是党和国家对科学 Comrade Deng Xiaoping clearly stated that “developing high-tech and realizing industrialization” indicates the goal of high-tech research, embodies the social function of science and technology being the primary productive force, and expounds the relationship between high-tech research and industrialization. To speed up the industrialization of high technology is one of the key measures taken by China to promote the adjustment of industrial structure, enhance the export competitiveness of products and further expand domestic demand in order to achieve sustainable development of the national economy. It is one of the important ways to solve a series of deep-seated conflicts in the country. The development of high-tech industries will become an important indicator of a country’s level of social development and international competitiveness. However, the ongoing project of knowledge innovation of CAS is the foundation of technological innovation and high-tech industrialization, which is an inexhaustible source and driving force. General Secretary Jiang pointed out in the inscription of the Academy of Sciences: “We must strive to build the Chinese Academy of Sciences into a scientific research base with advanced international standards, cultivate a base for creating advanced scientific and technological personnel and a base for promoting the development of our high-tech industries.” Therefore, accelerating the industrialization of high technology and promoting economic development are the sacred mission of the Academy of Sciences and are the responsibility of the Party and the state in science
有人借用古人的诗句“为伊消得人憔悴,衣带渐宽终不悔”,来形容2001年春运期间的安徽省和县公安局交警大队春运服务站全体交警。 和县公安局交警大队春运服务站设于皖、苏两省交界
芜湖市镜湖交警大队以深入开展“三项教育”为契机,不断强化思想政治工作,通过实施素质工程、形象工程和民心工程,铸就了时代警魂。 实施素质工程,实现交通管理由“经验型”向“
老婆婆在没有长大、没有变老之前,一定是个小姑娘。小姑娘很健康,长大了,而且还从长辈那儿听过正确又美丽的指引,那么就会成为一个善良和可爱的老婆婆。这样说,很像说的是废话;不过,这样说,是特别正确的。  这一位老婆婆是一本书(书名:《花婆婆》。作者:[巴西]莉吉亚·布咏迦·努内斯。台湾“三之三文化”出版)里的,她有一个名字:艾丽丝。她不是那一位做梦跑进了兔子洞的艾丽丝,梦醒之后又跑出来,结果仍旧是在河
大脑中动脉 (MCA)区完全梗死占所有缺血性幕上脑梗死的 3%~ 15% ,最常见原因是颈内动脉(ICA)闭塞、ICA夹层分离及心源性栓塞。完全性梗死引起大范围占位性脑水肿的病死率达 78% ,故有“
目的 了解脑梗塞急性期外周血中自由基代谢的变化以及与临床经过的关系。方法 以血清过氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)活性及脂质过氧化物终产物丙二醛 (MDA)为指标 ,对 4 3例急性脑梗