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大凡一个机关,一座工厂,一所学校,在制定计划、部署工作时,都要遵循事物的客观规律,按照一定的顺序进行科学的排列的。排列顺序是否科学,直接关系着任务完成后的社会效益和经济效益。自然界物质中的原子排列也是有序的,排列的顺序不同,构成的物质也不同。譬如同样是碳原子,排列成六角平面网状结构,联成互相平行的平面,形成片层结构,就构成了很轻的石墨,排列成正面体就构成了很硬的金刚石。领多班子成员的排列也是有序的,符合客观情况的排列,即会产生整体最佳效能,违背了客观情况,就降低了或产生不 Almost an organ, a factory, a school, in the planning, deployment work, we must follow the objective laws of things, according to a certain order of scientific arrangement. Whether the order is scientific or not is directly related to the social and economic benefits after the task is completed. The arrangement of atoms in the material of nature is also orderly, the order of arrangement is different, and the material that makes up is also different. For example, the same carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal plane network structure, combined into parallel planes, the formation of lamellar structure, it constitutes a very light graphite, arranged in front of the body to form a very hard diamond. The arrangement of the members of the leading team is also orderly, in line with the objective circumstances, which will produce the best overall performance, contrary to the objective situation, it will reduce or produce
AIM:To evaluate the incidence of late biliary complications in non-resectable alveolar echinococcosis(AE)under long-term chemotherapy with benzimidazoles.METHOD
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