类人首酒庄印象岩画系列 果香型葡萄酒震撼上市

来源 :宁夏画报(生活版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yukitolee
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近日,类人首酒业推出类人首印象岩画系列果香型葡萄酒。该系列葡萄酒通过印象画派艺术画法将贺兰山岩画呈现在酒标上,这一创作出自我区著名画家张学智之手,也是“类人首”又一倾情产品。据类人首酒业董事长冯清介绍,此次出品的新酒酒标意义深远,贺兰山岩画是古老的祖先遗留下来的文化遗产,描述着先人在这片水土丰茂的天赋土地上的生活、竞争与繁衍生息。著名画家张学智以岩画为背景,用现代印象派画风对古老岩画进行再创作,以浓墨及色彩重现宁夏远古祖先的生活,展示宁夏深厚的历史文化底蕴。 Recently, people like the first wine-like people introduced the first series of impression rock paintings fruity wine. The series of wine through the Impressionist School of Art will Helan Mountain rock paintings presented on the wine label, the creation of a famous painter Zhang Xuezhi from the area of ​​hand, but also “people first class” is another portrait products. According to Feng Qing, chairman of the first class wine industry, the wine produced by the label is of far-reaching significance. The Helan Mountain petroglyphs are the cultural heritage left over from the ancient ancestors and describe the ancestors’ life on this lush and fertile land. Competition and prosperity. The famous painter Zhang Xuezhi rock paintings as the background, using modern Impressionist style of ancient rock painting re-creation, with ink and color to reproduce the lives of ancient ancestors of Ningxia, show Ningxia profound historical and cultural heritage.
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在北京市科委北京市科协的关心和支持下,北京膜学会经过两年多的筹备,于1991年11月1日在中国科学院生态环境研究中心胜利地召开了成立大会。有近百名会员代表参加。北 Unde
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