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第一章总则第一条为了定期掌握和及时分析重点企业国有资本金动态运营状况,进一步深化和完善国有经济的信息统计和效绩评价工作,根据《会计法》有关规定,特制定本制度。第二条国有企业季度监测报表制度(以下简称“季报监测”),是指国家为了及时和准确地掌握重点企业主要会计信息变动情况,通过有选择地对占有国有资本金的重点企业基本运营状况进行动态跟踪了解,而建立的专项财务报告工作制度。第三条对国有企业进行季报监测,是国有资本金管理的一项重要基础工作,其目的是为制定国家宏观调控政策和加强国有经济监管等工作及时提供决策依据,并促进企业加强资产和财务等基础管理工作,积极维护国有资本金权益,逐步建立形成国有经济预测和预警机制。 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to regularly grasp and timely analyze the dynamic operation of state-owned capital of key enterprises and further deepen and improve the information statistics and performance evaluation of the state-owned economy, this system has been specially formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Accounting Law. Article 2 The quarterly monitoring and reporting system for state-owned enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “quarterly monitoring”) means that in order to grasp the changes in major accounting information of key enterprises in a timely and accurate manner, the state shall, by selectively giving priority to the key enterprises possessing state-owned capital Operational status of dynamic tracking to understand, and established a special financial reporting system. Article 3 Quarterly monitoring of state-owned enterprises is an important basic work for the management of state-owned capital. Its purpose is to provide timely decision-making basis for the formulation of national macro-control policies and strengthening the supervision over state-owned economy, and to promote enterprises to strengthen assets and finance And other basic management work, and actively safeguard the rights and interests of state capital, and gradually establish a forecast and early warning mechanism for state-owned economy.
国家经贸委和外经贸部日前联合颁布《外商投资商业企业试点办法》。 《办法》说,颁布这一办法的目的是为了进一步扩大对外开放,促进商业企业的改革和发展,推动国内市场建设,
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由中科院长春应用化学研究所的刘桂霞和洪广言等科研人员发明的“坝□夥郾砻娼□心擅装□驳牡腿裙滔喾椒”(?)的发明专利,近日获得了国家知识产权局授权。 The invention pa
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