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广东省电白县中医院自(83)年以来,已举办鹤翔庄气功疗法学习班六期,参加学员共140余人,均是久治未复的各种慢性病患者,通过气功疗法都收到了较好效果。这学习班是由电白县中医院院长刘剑华主治医师主办的,她是一个从事二十多年医疗工作的西医主治医师,过去也是病魔缠身,用中西药治疗没有完全恢复健康,通过练鹤翔庄气功才恢复了健康。她把自己掌握的功法,传授给几个患者,同样取得了效果,从而促使她下决心研究气功在医疗上的应用。于是,带着问题上北京鹤翔庄气功辅导站求教,得到辅导站气功老师的热情指导,再通过她刻苦练功,对鹤翔庄气功已有一定造诣。她连续举办了六期鹤翔庄气功疗法学习班,参加学习的病者都收到了效益。这里有几篇由学员写的心得体会,特予刊出,希望各流派的气功师和医疗工作者密切合作,共同努力,勇于探索气功在防病治病的作用,使气功为人类健康造福,为四化服务。 Since its establishment 83 (83) years ago, Guangdong Dianbai County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has held 6 classes of Qigong therapy of Heixiang Village with over 140 participants, all of whom are chronic patients with chronic diseases. Good effect. This class was sponsored by Liu Jianhua, chief physician of Dianbai County Chinese Medicine Hospital. She is a western medicine doctor engaged in medical work for more than 20 years. In the past she was also ill-ridden. Her treatment with Chinese and Western medicines did not fully restore her health. Xiang Zhuang Qigong was restored to health. She passed on her own exercises to several patients and achieved the same results, prompting her to make determined efforts to study the medical application of Qigong. As a result, with a problem Beijing Qigong Qigong counseling station to seek advice, counseling station Qigong teacher enthusiasm guide, and then through her hard practice, Qigong He Qiangqiang have some accomplishments. She held six consecutive He Qiang Zhuang qigong therapy classes, to participate in learning patients have received benefits. Here are a few written experiences learned by the trainees and specially published. We hope that all schools of Qigong teachers and medical workers will work closely together to courageously explore the role of Qigong in disease prevention and treatment so that Qigong will benefit human health. For the four services.
N-亚硝基化合物(NOC)系包括一类能使各种动物和器官组织致癌的化合物。许多因素,如 pH、前体物量、胺类的硷性、催化剂或抑制剂的存在,均能影响 N-亚硝化作用, N-nitroso c
Control over the self-assembly of elaborately designed organic molecules is a challenging topic for interdisciplinary research in the fields of chemistry, biolo