Portal vein embolization by fine needle ethanol injection :experimental and clinicalstudies

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanqingilu
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AIM To improve the technique of intraportal embolization (PVE) therapy, a new embolic method, was devised and the safety, effectiveness and feasibility were evaluated. METHODS PVE with intraportal ethanol injection via a fine needle was performed in 28 normal dogs, 22 SD rats, and 24 cirrhotic SD rats. After PVE, portography, histological and functional alteration of the liver were evaluated in dogs and rats, and the changes in portal hemodynamics as well as hepatic anatomy were observed in rats. In the clinical study, PVE by ethanol injection was performed in 61 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma under the guidance of portoechography with intraportal injection of CO 2. The effect of PVE was evaluated by ultrasonography and laparotomy. RESULTS The effectiveness and toxicity were dependent on the dose of ethanol. In the dogs, 0 25*!mg/*!kg of ethanol caused incomplete embolization with least liver damage, while 1 0*!mg/*!kg induced complete embolization with a high mortality of 57 1% (4/*!7) due to respiratory arrest. The dose of 0 5*!mg/*!kg resulted in complete embolization with slight toxicity to the liver. In the rats, the survival rate was 100% in normal group but 40 9% in cirrhotic models after ethanol injection by dose of 0 05*!mg/*!100*!g . PVE for cirrhotic rats with 0 03*!mg/*!100*!g of ethanol induced satisfactory embolization with significant hypertrophy in nonembolized lobes, and only slight damage to the hepatic parenchyma, and transient alteration in liver function, portal pressure and portal flow. In the clinical study, 12 cases with reverse portal flow were excluded judged by portoechography. Satisfactory embolization was gained in 90 2% (55/*!61) of the remaining patients determined by ultrasonography and surgery. All cases ran an uneventful postembolization course with no aberrant embolization. CONCLUSION PVE with intraportal ethanol injection of appropriate dosage via a fine needle is safe and effective and has several advantages comparing with transcatheter method. Portoechography is a mandatory approach for the prevention of aberrant embolization. AIM To improve the technique of intraportal embolization (PVE) therapy, a new embolic method, was devised and the safety, effectiveness and capacity were evaluated. METHODS PVE with intraportal ethanol injection via a fine needle was performed in 28 normal dogs, 22 SD rats , and 24 cirrhotic SD rats. After PVE, portography, histological and functional alteration of the liver were evaluated in dogs and rats, and the changes in portal hemodynamics as well as hepatic anatomy were observed in rats. In the clinical study, PVE by ethanol The injection was performed in 61 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma under the guidance of portoechography with intraportal injection of CO 2. The effect of PVE was evaluated by ultrasonography and laparotomy. RESULTS The effectiveness and toxicity were dependent on the dose of ethanol. In the dogs, 0 25*!mg/*!kg of ethanol caused incomplete embolization with least liver damage, while 1 0*!mg/*!kginduced complete embolization with a high m The dose of 0 5*!mg/*!kg resulted in complete embolization with slight toxicity to the liver. In the rats, the survival rate was 100% In normal group but 40 9% in cirrhotic models after ethanol injection by dose of 0 05*!mg/*!100*!g . PVE for cirrhotic rats with 0 03*!mg/*!100*!g of ethanol induced satisfactory Embolization with significant hypertrophy in nonembolized lobes, and only slight damage to the hepatic parenchyma, and transient alteration in liver function, portal pressure and portal flow. In the clinical study, 12 cases with reverse portal flow were excluded judged by portoechography. Satisfactory embolization was Gain in 90 2% (55/*!61) of the remains patients determined by ultrasonography and surgery. All cases ran an uneventful postembolization course with no aberrant embolization. CONCLUSION PVE with intraportal ethanol injection of appropriate dosage via a fine needle is safe and EffectiVe and has several claims compared with transcatheter method. Portoechography is a mandatory approach for the prevention of aberrant embolization.
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