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近年来随着抗生素在临床上广泛应用,痢疾杆菌引起的严重感染如中毒性痢疾已较少见,但普通型痢疾在临床上仍然较为常见,且多为耐药菌株感染,治疗困难。我院自1996年10月以来应用环丙沙星治疗小儿福氏杆菌痢疾55例取得满意效果,现报告如下。 In recent years, with the wide application of antibiotics in clinical practice, severe infections caused by Shigella dysenteriae such as toxic dysentery have been rare, but common dysentery is still more common in clinical practice, and mostly resistant strains of infection, treatment difficulties. In our hospital from October 1996 since the application of ciprofloxacin treatment of 57 children with fungal bacilli dysentery achieved satisfactory results, are as follows.
一、赛车程序 1.验车 2.复验车 3.向驾驶员宣讲赛车规则 4.封闭跑道、试车 5.赛车分组二、跑道澳门东望洋跑道,每圈长6.117km。三比赛分类 1.澳门摩托车大奖赛(国际性、两个
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