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由我院设计的18m托梁拔柱工程,在1986年6月底趁重钢五厂中修期,只用15天时间就完成了三处18m托梁拔柱(共拔柱6根)作业。工程达到了设计要求,经受了生产考验,屋架下挠数V_(max)=11mm,V_(min)=5mm,屋面系统完好。这项工程的设计和施工方法,对旧厂房改造具有很大的现实意义。一、方案的形成重钢五厂节能改造第二期工程需对原精整厂房进行技术改造。精整厂房的跨度是27m,梯形钢屋架(局部屋架有天窗),3×6m大型屋面板自防水屋面。根据工艺要求,需要在6m柱距的(?)柱列建三个柱距为18m的大跨,见图1。鉴于各种条件的限制,改18m大跨的工程需利用五厂中修施工,预 The 18m joist drafting project designed by our institute, at the end of June 1986, was completed in mid-repair period of the No. 5 plant of Bengbu Heavy Steel Plant. It took only 15 days to complete the operation of three 18m joists pulling out columns (a total of 6 columns were extracted). The project has met the design requirements and has undergone the production test. The yoke deflection V_(max)=11mm, V_(min)=5mm, and the roof system is intact. The design and construction methods of this project are of great practical significance to the renovation of the old workshop. I. The formation of the plan The second phase of the energy-saving renovation of the No. 5 Heavy Steel Plant requires the technical transformation of the original finishing workshop. The span of the finishing workshop is 27m, trapezoidal steel roof trusses (partial trusses with skylights), and 3 x 6m large roof panels from waterproof roofs. According to the process requirements, it is necessary to construct three large spans with a span of 18m in a 6m column (?) column, see Figure 1. In view of the limitations of various conditions, the 18m long-span project will require the use of a five-factory repair construction.
BA五八!BAM!BAM! All right!Allr一ght! Here you are!vou’re the most In1Patient通、 dog in the whole wodd! 好了!好了!东西来了! 你是世界仁最没有耐 性的狗! 嫣犷 罄
“怎么了?怎么了?”校长一边往这儿跑,一边喊道。全班的小朋友都缩成一圈,老师躺在圈中的地板上,一个女孩正轻轻地拍着她 “What happened? What happened? ” The princip
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阿叮,下午到我家 来吃糯米糕。 阿叮,下午至。我家丫 一来吃臀糕。一磷又太好了, 万刁厂气了甲1/Z;’、义 阿叮,快点 肠 岌 诊 万 !//}、} 纂蕊偿 原来,那朵蘑菇和屋子长在了