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目的探讨白族青少年家庭功能、安全感、负性情绪与应对方式的关系,为白族青少年心理健康教育提供科学依据。方法随机选取大理地区797名白族中学和大学学生,运用家庭功能评定量表(FAD)、安全感量表(SQ)、症状自评量表(SCL-90)和简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)进行调查。结果白族青少年家庭功能得分与人际安全感、确定控制感、积极应对得分呈负相关(r=-0.35~-0.26,P<0.01),与消极应对、焦虑、抑郁得分正相关(r=0.20~0.23,P<0.01)。白族青少年家庭功能对消极应对有直接效应,也可通过安全感和负性情绪的中介对消极应对产生间接效应;安全感通过负性情绪的完全中介作用于消极应对;家庭功能通过安全感的部分中介对积极应对产生间接效应。结论白族青少年安全感和负性情绪在家庭功能与消极应对中起部分中介作用,安全感在家庭功能与积极应对中起部分中介作用,安全感在家庭功能与负性情绪之间起完全中介作用。 Objective To explore the relationship between family functioning, security, negative emotions and coping styles of Bai nationality adolescents, and to provide a scientific basis for mental health education of Bai adolescents. Methods A total of 797 Bai middle school and college students were randomly selected in Dali district. The FAD, SQ, SCL-90 and SCSQ survey. Results There was a negative correlation between family functional scores and interpersonal feelings, perceived control and positive coping scores (r = -0.35-0.26, P <0.01), positively correlated with negative coping, anxiety and depression scores (r = 0.20 ~ 0.23, P <0.01). The family functions of the Bai adolescents have a direct effect on the negative coping and may also have indirect effects on the passive coping through the mediation of the sense of security and the negative emotions; the sense of security through the complete mediation of negative emotions acts as a negative coping; the part of the family functioning through the sense of security Intermediaries have a direct effect on positive coping. Conclusion The security and negative emotions of Bai adolescents play a part of mediating role in family functions and negative coping. The sense of security plays a part of mediating role in family functions and coping positively. The sense of security plays a complete intermediary role between family functions and negative emotions .
主:人上了岁数之后就会有一种“岁月不饶人”的感觉,今天我们不妨说说应当怎样看待年龄。 李:我觉得,30岁对女人来说就是一个产生年龄危机的时候,她的事业才刚刚开始,但是还
她似乎是风雨中苦苦挣扎的小草,真想大喊一声痛哭一声:“原谅我!丈夫。甭用这样的目光看我,我是个女人,我想做一个正常的女人。丈夫,你什么时候才能做一个真正的男人!” 三年
新会是中国著名侨乡,位于珠江三角洲西南部,海外贸易悠久,近代很多华侨远涉重洋时就是从新会出发, Xinhui, a famous hometown of overseas Chinese in China, is located i