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为研究H型钢柱弱轴连接组合节点的抗震性能,采用柱顶加载模式完成了5个栓焊混合连接的不同构造形式的足尺十字形节点的循环加载试验,对各试件的试验现象、滞回曲线、延性、耗能及楼板滑移进行了分析。结果表明:焊接质量是避免节点脆性破坏的首要保证;各试件的层间位移角均达到了0.04 rad,其中有4个试件的梁端对应弯矩大于0.8Mp,满足美国AISC的要求;加腋型组合节点试件破坏形式为柱屈曲,滞回曲线饱满,其余各试件由于梁下翼缘焊缝不同程度的破坏,腹板连接螺栓出现滑移,滞回曲线呈现反S形,但梁上翼缘焊缝均保持完好,故负弯矩作用下的延性优于正弯矩作用下的;各试件能量耗散系数随着位移的增加而逐渐增大;当抗剪连接度达到50%时,在整个加载过程中栓钉均保持完好,且楼板与钢梁的相对滑移基本不足1 mm,可忽略不计,说明采用部分抗剪连接对所给出的节点形式具有可行性。 In order to study the seismic performance of the joint with weak shaft connection of H-shaped steel columns, five cyclic loading tests of different configurations of full-scale cross-shaped joints with different structural connections were carried out by using the top loading mode. Hysteresis curve, ductility, energy consumption and floor slip were analyzed. The results show that the welding quality is the primary guarantee to avoid the brittle failure of the joints. The displacement angle of each specimen reaches 0.04 rad, of which four specimens have a bending moment corresponding to more than 0.8Mp, which meets the requirements of American AISC. In addition, the failure modes of the joint with axillary joints are column buckling and the hysteretic curve is full. The rest of the specimens have slippage on the web connecting bolts due to the varying degrees of damage of the weld on the flange below the beam, But the weld on the upper flange of the beam keeps intact, so the ductility under the negative bending moment is better than that under the positive bending moment. The energy dissipation coefficient of each specimen increases with the increase of the displacement. When the shear connection degree reaches 50 %, The studs are kept intact during the whole loading process, and the relative slip between the slab and the steel girder is less than 1 mm, which is negligible, which shows that it is feasible to use the partial shear connection for the given node form.
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