Structural changes of oviduct of freshwater shrimp, Macrobrachium nipponense (Decapoda,Palaemonidae)

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a113345103
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The structural change of the oviduct of freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium nipponense) during spawning was ex- amined by electron microscopy. The oviduct wall structural characteristics seem to be influenced significantly by the spawning process. Before the parturition and ovulation, two types of epithelial cells (types I and II) are found in the epithelium. The free surfaces of type I and type II cells have very dense long microvilli. Under the type I and type II cells, are a relatively thick layer of secreting material and a layer of mostly dead cells. After ovulation, two other types of epithelial cells (types III and IV) are found in the oviduct wall epithelium. The free surface of type III cells only has short microvilli scattered on the surface. The thick layer with secreting material and the dead cell layer disappeared at this stage. In some type III cells, the leaking out of cytoplasm from broken cell membrane led to the death of these type III cells. The transformation of all four types of epithelial cells was in the order: IV→I→II→III. The structural change of the oviduct of freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium nipponense) during spawning was ex- amined by electron microscopy. The oviduct wall structural characteristics seem to be obsessed significantly by the spawning process. Before the parturition and ovulation, two types of epithelial cells types I and II) are found in the epithelium. The free surfaces of type I and type II cells have very dense long microvilli. Under the type I and type II cells, are a relatively thick layer of secreting material and a layer of mostly dead cells. After ovulation, two other types of epithelial cells (types III and IV) are found in the oviduct wall epithelium. The free surface of type III cells only has short microvilli scattered on the surface. The thick layer with secreting material and the dead cell cell disappeared at this stage. In some type III cells, the leaking out of cytoplasm from broken cell membrane led to the death of these type III cells. The transformation of all fo ur types of epithelial cells was in the order: IV → I → II → III.
目的 :探讨尿毒症血液透析患者的卡尼汀 (肉碱 )代谢并观察补充左卡尼汀的作用。方法 :取透析前后血测血浆游离卡尼汀 ( FC)浓度 ,研究卡尼汀与血液透析时间、肌酐清除率 ( C
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