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从某种意义上说,北京市经济社会持续繁荣的态势来自于不断改善的发展环境。对广大的国内外投资商来说,发展环境即是投资环境,它的优劣最终决定了能否吸引并留住投资,继而使其生根、发芽、开花、结果,创造出更大的财富。近年来,北京市下大力气转变政府职能,优化发展环境,取得了显著成绩。尽管如此,面对日新月异的发展形势,发展环境的改善步伐仍显滞后,还存在着这样那样的不足。对此,市委市政府始终保持了清醒的头脑,不久前召开的北京市十二届人大二次会议上王岐山同志所作的《政府工作报告》中的有关话语更是体现了北京市进一步优化发展环境的决心,预示着今后做好此项工作的不同寻常的力度。 In a sense, the continuous prosperity of Beijing’s economy and society comes from a continuously improving development environment. For the vast number of domestic and foreign investors, the development environment is the investment environment, and its pros and cons ultimately determine whether it can attract and retain investment, and then make it take root, sprout, flowering and produce greater wealth. In recent years, Beijing has made great efforts to transform its government functions and optimize the development environment with remarkable achievements. In spite of this, in the face of the ever-changing development situation, the improvement pace of the development environment is still lagging behind, and there are still such deficiencies. In this regard, the municipal government has always maintained a clear head. Not long ago held in Beijing at the Second Session of the Twelfth NPC Comrade Wang Qishan’s “Government Work Report” in the discourse more reflects the further optimization of the development of Beijing The determination of the environment foreshadows the unusual efforts to do this work well in the future.
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1 前言位于原四川省新建重庆市境内的龙溪河梯级水电站,包括狮子滩、上硐、回龙寨和下硐4个水电站(以下简称为梯级,或分别为狮库和上、回、下电站),分别于1956年10月、1954
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教学的本质是教与学。广义上的课堂教学是实践的过程。利用多种媒介促进课堂教学,需要教学技巧来提升教师与学生。本文从多媒介入手研究英语课堂教学技巧。 The essence of