On the Frontline

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  The overall epidemic situation in China has gradually been stabilized with an increasing rate of recovery among patients across the entire country.
  “As of March 12, no new indigenous cases had been reported for at least 14 consecutive days in 21 provinces, and no such cases had been seen in six other provinces for over a week,” said a news release from a press briefi ng on March 13 by the State Council inter-agency task force on the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) outbreak. According to the National Health Commission (NHC), March 26 saw 537 patients cured and discharged from hospital in China’s mainland, bringing the tally to 74,588. Facts and figures have attested to China’s effective control of the spread of the epidemic, which has created the conditions for ultimately conquering the virus.
  Meanwhile, the worldwide fi ght against the novel coronavirus enters a critical period. The number of confirmed cases had surpassed 460,000 as of March 26. All 27 members of the EU have succumbed to the novel coronavirus, and over 40 African countries have seen confi rmed cases. Amid the dire and deteriorat- ing situation, the World Health Organization(WHO) made the assessment on March 11 that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.
  Mankind’s health and wellbeing are at stake. At this critical juncture, uplifting facts must prevail to debunk false claims. It’s all the more imperative and urgent for countries throughout the world to take up responsibility, move swiftly to stem the spread of the disease, and forge strong lines of defense to jointly fi ght to fi nd the best method to outpace and fi nally prevail over this microscopic enemy .
  To this end, China has contributed a lot to the world, and will continue to help and share with the world till the fi nal victory is sealed.

Injecting confidence

In the combat against the novel coronavirus, the Chinese Government has made the greatest efforts, adopted the most comprehensive, thorough and rigorous prevention and control measures, and achieved the most remarkable achievements. As there is no silver bullet to address all epidemics, control measures should be customized and contextualized. China has served as the first line of defense against the globally spreading virus, identified the new pathogen and shared the genome sequence at an early date so that other countries do not have to start from scratch, paid a huge cost in life and resources and opened a window of opportunity by updating the world on epidemic developments and sharing key clinical information in a timely fashion, thereby reducing the world’s panic over this unknown deadly virus and getting the world better prepared.   With arduous efforts and sacrifice, China has withstood the test of the time and won recognition of the international community.
  WHO has on multiple occasions commended China for its responsible actions, as emphasized by the joint team of Chinese and WHO offi cials that “Ambitious, agile and aggressive control measures taken by China to control the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic have altered the curve of the outbreak for the better, averted a large number of potential cases and offered experience in improving the global response to the disease.”
  United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres acknowledged China’s contribution to the global fight against COVID-19, noting that the Chinese are making efforts for humanity, sacrificing many aspects of normal life to prevent the virus from further spreading. Bruce Aylward, senior adviser to WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said measures such as mass isolation, shutting down transportation and mobilizing the public to abide by hygienic practices have proven effective in curbing a contagious and mysterious disease, especially when the whole society is committed to the measures.
  “China’s extraordinary response has bought precious time for other countries to fight the virus and made a significant contribution to the world,” President Xi Jinping, also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China(CPC) Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, pointed out. What China has done and achieved constitutes an important part of the global response, which is strong evidence that China’s decisive response is both right and effective, and that by and large, the outbreak of the novel coronavirus is controllable and the disease curable.

Lending a helping hand

Despite that China is still fighting this epidemic in its own territory, the government has showed gratitude and goodwill and implemented concrete measures to help the world.
  China never forgets the political support and medical supplies from other countries and international organizations during its hardest times in the COVID-19 fi ght, and is engaging in international cooperation, providing as much help as possible to other countries, regions and international organizations.
  Actions speak louder than words. China has rolled out measures to provide assistance to the world in the following areas, namely: to enhance communication and collaboration with WHO and other countries, to share knowhow and experience, to dispatch health specialists to countries in need, to donate supplies and to cooperate in science and technology, which are all vivid testimonies to China’s fulfillment of international responsibilities.   Starting from March 3, the Chinese Foreign Ministry together with the NHC and the Red Cross Society of China have held video conferences with health experts and government officials from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Italy and 10 Pacific island countries to share China’s antiepidemic experience. On March 18, the Chinese side shared information and experience on COVID-19 at a video conference with the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) and over 20 African countries. On March 19, China held a video conference to share information and experience on COVID-19 with over 10 European countries. On March 20, a video conference with over 10 Eurasian and South Asian countries, and on March 24, with Latin American and Caribbean countries. China has set up its online COVID-19 knowledge center that is open to all countries. China has published seven guidelines on COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment and six guidelines on prevention and control, sharing with more than 100 countries and over 10 international and regional organizations around the world, according to the NHC.
  Since February 27, China has sent medical teams to Iran, Iraq, Italy, Serbia and Cambodia to support the countries’ epidemic prevention and control efforts.
  As of March 11, China had donated 1.1 million masks and other medical materials to the Republic of Korea (ROK), 5,000 sets of protective suits and 100,000 masks to Japan, 5,000 test kits and 250,000 masks to Iran, and 12,000 test kits to Pakistan. Plus, China has announced assistance to 89 countries and regions including Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Serbia, the EU, Cambodia, the Philippines, Egypt, South Africa, Iraq, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Cuba and Chile, delivered medical support to Laos, Thailand, the African Union, among others, and donated $20 million to WHO.
  Local governments in China have also donated masks, protective gowns, nucleic acid test reagents and other medical supplies to their sister cities in the ROK, Japan, Iran, Italy, Lebanon, Pakistan, Iraq, Malaysia, Laos, Algeria, Tunisia, France, Peru, Angola, Switzerland and Germany.
  Enterprises, civil institutions and nongovernmental organizations are as well swift to make donations and to provide medical supplies to hard-hit regions across the world. The Alibaba Foundation and the Jack Ma Foundation have donated millions of masks, testing reagents and other medical supplies to Japan, the ROK, Iran, the United States, Italy, Spain and other hardhit countries that have seen rising cases of the novel coronavirus. The Jack Ma Foundation has also allocated a scientifi c research fund of 100 million yuan ($14.29 million) to support Chinese and overseas research institutes to expedite the creation of a vaccine against COVID-19. The Alibaba Group announced that free access would be offered to its artificial intelligence computing power for public research institutes around the world to develop COVID-19 vaccines and new drugs.

China’s source of strength

“It showed China’s effi ciency and the advantages of China’s system,” remarked Tedros during his visit to China on January 19. “While there will be economic costs for China in the short run, I am convinced that it will with time emerge even stronger in its march toward rejuvenation,”observed by William Jones, Washington bureau chief of the Executive Intelligence Review magazine. “It is obvious now that China is winning on the moral front, along with its great success so far in managing the epidemic in an area of 9.6 million square km and a population of 1.4 billion,” commented Isamoldien Khadir A. Elmansour, Charge D’affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan to China.
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