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目前,我国的教育体制正经历着从应试教育向素质教育转变的阶段,素质教育不仅是普通教育改革的方向,更应为技工学校所提倡。因为它直接关系到劳动者素质的高低,关系到我国经济整体发展水平的高低。搞好技工学校的素质教育,应从实际出发,努力做到“四个适应”。一、教学思想的适应。经济越发展,改革越深入,对劳动者素质的要求就越高,特别是随着全球经济一体化进程的不断加快,产品必须走向世界,劳动技术必须与世界先进水平接轨。而目前我国很多产品在成本费用、劳动生产率等方面距世界先进水平还相差很远。这不仅是管理水平的问题,更重要的是劳动者素质的差距,大部分企业技工水平普遍较低,高级技工所占比例小,与先进国家比相差很远。如何搞好素质教育,是摆在所有技工学校面前的一个重要课题。只有从思想上适应了整个经济形势的 At present, the educational system in our country is experiencing the transition from exam-oriented education to quality-oriented education. Quality-oriented education is not only the direction of general education reform, but also promoted by technical schools. Because it is directly related to the quality of workers, the level of development of our economy as a whole. To improve the quality education in technical schools, we should proceed from reality and strive to achieve “four adaptations.” First, the teaching of adaptation. The more developed the economy, the more in-depth reforms will require workers’ qualities. In particular, as the process of global economic integration continues to accelerate, products must go to the world and labor technologies must conform to the advanced world standards. At present, many products in China are still far from the world advanced level in cost and labor productivity. This is not only a matter of management level, but more importantly, the gap between the quality of workers, the low level of skilled workers in most enterprises, the small proportion of senior technicians, and the far difference with advanced countries. How to do a good job of quality education is an important issue before all technical schools. Only the ideological adaptation of the entire economic situation
本刊讯(记者 海涛):江苏省盐城市职业学校招生办法将作重大改革,办学条件好的学校可以实行注册入学制度,初中毕业生凭毕业证书即可到职业中学注册入学;除打破了招生年龄、地域、届
采用紫外分光光度法测定了端羟基环氧乙烷-四氢呋喃共聚醚中抗氧剂的含量,测试条件为:检测波长282 nm,样品质量浓度4 mg/m L,放置时间5 min。其结果的相对标准偏差≤1.0%,极