加强卫生法制建设 促进卫生事业发展 全省人大教科文卫工作研讨会在鄂州召开

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1999年全省人大教科文卫工作研讨会于6月16日至18日在鄂州市召开。参加这次会议的有各市、州、直管市、神农架林区及部分县(市、区)人大常委会及教科文卫(工作)委员会负责同志共120余人。省卫生厅负责同志也参加会议并在会上介绍了我省卫生改革与发展的情况。鄂州市委书记,市人大常委会主任熊同发同志代表鄂州市致欢迎词。省人大常委会副主任吴华品和省人大教科文卫委员会主任委员孙德华作了重要讲话。 In 1999, the Provincial People’s Congress, Ke Wenwei Workshop was held in Ezhou from June 16th to 18th. At the conference, there were more than 120 responsible comrades from the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and the Education, Science, Culture, and Health (Work) Committees of cities, counties, municipalities directly under the administration, Shennongjia Forest District, and counties (cities, districts). The responsible comrades of the Provincial Health Department also attended the meeting and introduced the situation of health reform and development in the province. Mr. Xiong Tongfa, secretary of the Ezhou Municipal Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the city of Ezhou. Wu Huapin, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, and Sun Dehua, chairman of the Provincial People’s Congress of the Science, Culture, and Education Committee made important speeches.
麓栽。妻戮臻毫鍪鬻囊淤|你鬻新0见夜骜舔唱?她在i黼睡潞。小夜曲@雷尔斯塔勃@舒伯特@邓映易请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Foot planted. His wife slaughte
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This paper provides an introduction to a support vector machine, a new kernel-based technique introduced in statistical learning theory and structural risk min