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党的十四届三中全会提出建立现代企业制度是企业改革的战略转变——由政策调整转向企业制度创新。这是探索公有制的实现形式,解决深层次矛盾,确立市场经济体制的微观基础。建立现代企业制度问题,从理论到实践有很多问题需要深入研讨与探索。为了促进这项工作,现发表一组笔谈。 胡福明(省委常委、省社科院院长): 理论界要活跃起来,科学无禁区,要解放思想,大胆探索,与实际部门合作深入研究改革与发展中的各种问题。明年将把企业改革作为重点,所以首先要研究现代企业制度问题。现在国有企业困难很多,改革企业制度已迫在眉睫。 我们搞公司制改制是姓“社”,是为社会主义现代化服务的,要认真学习有中国特色的社会主义理论、市场经济理论,确立生产力标准。拘于姓“社”姓“资”,不是个别人的观念问题,会贯彻整个改革始终,必须解放思想,整个改变思维模式。不要以为改革中遇到的问题都是操作中的问题,很多都是观念上的冲 The Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee proposed that the establishment of a modern enterprise system is a strategic change in enterprise reform—from policy adjustment to enterprise system innovation. This is the exploration of the form of public ownership, the resolution of deep-seated conflicts, and the establishment of a microeconomic basis for a market economy. To establish a modern enterprise system, there are many issues that need to be studied and explored from theory to practice. In order to promote this work, a group of pen talks is now being published. Hu Fuming (Provincial Standing Committee Member, Dean of the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences): The theoretical community must be active, science should be free of restrictions, and we must emancipate our minds, make bold explorations, and cooperate with the actual departments to thoroughly study various issues in reform and development. Next year will focus on corporate reform, so we must first study the problems of modern enterprise systems. Now that state-owned enterprises have many difficulties, reform of the enterprise system is imminent. Our corporate restructuring system is called “society,” and it serves the socialist modernization. We must conscientiously study the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the theory of market economy, and establish productivity standards. Defending the “surname” of the surname “community” is not an individual’s conceptual problem. It will implement the entire reform, must emancipate the mind, and change the mode of thinking. Do not think that the problems encountered during the reform are all operational problems.
跳槽,在今天的职场中已是司空见惯。而作为职场生力军的90后,似乎更给人留下了一言不合就跳槽的印象。  相关调查显示,近年来应届毕业生到岗率低、离职率高,9月份又将迎来职场跳槽小高潮。  跳槽,在今天的职场中已是司空见惯。而作为职场生力军的90后,似乎更给人留下了一言不合就跳槽的印象。  跳槽真的好吗?跳槽为了什么?跳槽对个人和企业来说,意味着什么?忠诚度和奉献精神在今天是否已经过时?  超7成网友
法莫替丁治疗消化性溃疡的常规用法为 2 0 mg,每日早晚各服 1次。我们从 1 999年 4月至 1 999年1 2月采用每晚睡前一次顿服法莫替丁 40 mg (简称A法 )治疗十二指肠球部溃疡 1
供给侧改革就是从供给、生产端入手,通过解放生产力,提升竞争力促进经济发展。供给侧主要包含资本、劳动力、土地、管理与企业家精神等几个要素。管理学家德鲁克对人力资源管理做了高度的概括:“人力资源管理在企业管理中既重要又关键”。煤炭企业要加大对技术、人才、管理等软实力的投入,用互联网思维与技术,去夯实管理基础,通过人力资源机制创新,激活和提升人才价值创造战斗力,提升人力资源效能。  一、煤炭企业人力资源