Mutagenicity Research on Ficus simplicissima Lour.

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:supergirl
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[Objective]The research aimed to study the mutagenicity of Ficus simplicissima Lour. aqueous extracts. [Method] Using micronucleus test, the formation rates of micronucleus in liver cells,testicular germ cells,bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes cells and periphral blood lymphocytes cells of mice caused by Ficus simplicissima Lour. aqueous extracts were measured. [Result] There was no difference in the formation rates of micronucleus liver cells,testicular germ cells,bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes cells and periphral blood lymphocytes cells at 0.05 level; No significant difference between dose groups at 0.05 level; However, the dose groups and the negative control groups were different in the formation rates at 0.01 level [Conclusion]The aqueous extracts from Ficus simplicissima Lour.had no mutagenicity under the experimental conditions. [Objective] The research aimed to study the mutagenicity of Ficus simplicissima Lour. Aqueous extracts. [Method] Using micronucleus test, the formation rates of micronucleus in liver cells, testicular germ cells, bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes cells and periphral blood lymphocytes cells of mice caused by Ficus simplicissima Lour. aqueous extracts were measured. [Result] There was no difference in the formation rates of micronucleus liver cells, testicular germ cells, bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes cells and periphral blood lymphocytes cells at 0.05 level; No significant difference between dose groups at 0.05 level; However, the dose groups and the negative control groups were in the formation rates at 0.01 level [Conclusion] The aqueous extracts from Ficus simplicissima Lour. had no mutagenicity under the experimental conditions.
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