Conformal Wavelet Finite-difference Time-domain Algorithm for Analysis of Milimeter Wave Attenuation

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lidids
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Addressed is the calculation of millimeter wave attenuation on coplanar waveguide(CPW). A novel conformal wavelet finite-difference time-domain(CWFDTD) algorithm is proposed with emphasis on its application in calculation of millimeter wave attenuation on CPW, which is the combination of conformal algorithm dealing with the deformed cell with Wavelet-FDTD using multi-resolution analysis(MRA). Derived is the difference formulation for multi-resolution time domain(MRTD) based on Daubechies wavelets, and also given is the stability conditions for wavelet-FDTD algorithm. To validate its accuracy and efficiency, this novel method is applied to calculate the millimeter wave attenuation on lithium niobate CPW. Numerical results demonstrate that this new CWFDTD algorithm has the same accuracy with the conformal finite-difference time-domain(CFDTD) and conformal finite-difference time-domain based on alternating-direction implicit method(ADI-CFDTD), but saves computational time and computer memory. A novel conformal wavelet finite-difference time-domain (CWFDTD) algorithm is proposed with emphasis on its application in calculation of millimeter wave attenuation on CPW, which is the combination of Conformal algorithm dealing with the deformed cell with Wavelet-FDTD using multi-resolution analysis (MRA). Derived is the difference formulation for multi-resolution time domain (MRTD) based on Daubechies wavelets, and also given the stability conditions for wavelet-FDTD algorithm. To validate its accuracy and efficiency, this novel method is applied to calculate the millimeter wave attenuation on lithium niobate CPW. Numerical results demonstrate that this new CWFDTD algorithm has the same accuracy with the conformal finite-difference time-domain (CFDTD) and conformal finite-difference time-domain based on alternating-direction implicit method (ADI-CFDTD), but saves computational time and computer mem ory.
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