
来源 :干旱地区农业研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:love916579208
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对渭北地区的农业气候资源、农业气象灾害发生规律及地区分布、农业气候分区进行系统分析,结论是:1、光能资源丰富,光合生产潜力较大;热量资源较好,南部优于北部;雨量分布不均,降水变率较大。2、从气象灾害发生规律及地区分布看,渭北地区东部易旱,西部易涝,西北部冻害较重,南部伏旱严重,中部多大风、冰雹、暴雨天气。农业气象灾害有:干旱、冰雹、连阴雨、暴雨、大风、干热风、霜冻,其中以干旱灾害居首位。3、渭北地区可分为四大气候区、十个亚区。 Based on the systematic analysis of the agricultural climate resources, agricultural meteorological disasters and regional distribution and agricultural climate zoning in Weibei, the conclusions are as follows: 1. There is abundant light energy resources and great potential for photosynthetic production; the heat resources are better and the south is better than the north ; Uneven rainfall distribution, large precipitation variability. 2. According to the regularity and regional distribution of meteorological disasters, the eastern part of Weibei is prone to drought, the western part is prone to waterlogging, the heavy cold damage in the northwest is severe, the southern part is in serious drought, the central part has many strong winds, hail and heavy rain. Agricultural meteorological disasters include: drought, hail, even rainy, heavy rain, gale, dry hot wind, frost, among which the drought disaster ranks first. 3, Weibei area can be divided into four major climatic zones, ten sub-regions.
Objective:To investigate the cellular toxicity of isoniazid together with rifampicin and the metabolites of isoniazid on cultured QSG-7701 cells lines.Methods:I
本文提出了一种设计大型向量寄存器为三维动态结构的设计思想,描述了其工作原理,并给出了用这种思想设计和扩充CRAY-1类巨型机向量寄存器的两个实例。 This paper presents
本文介绍了工业生产中零件清洁度的概念、清洁度检查方法和设备典型案例,重点介绍了颗粒尺寸、数量,以及清洁度检查系统。 This paper introduces the concept of cleanline