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采取分层抽样法,从山东农村抽取小学四、五、六年级,初一、初二、高一、高二学生共473人,使用儿童恐惧调查表-Ⅱ(FSSC-Ⅱ)对农村儿童青少年恐惧的内容进行了研究。结果发现:(1)农村儿童青少年最常见的恐惧事件主要与危险和伤害及社会关系有关;(2)随着年龄的增长,农村儿童青少年的总体恐惧水平、危险与伤害的恐惧及未知和不确定事物的恐惧水平逐渐下降,而社会关系恐惧的水平则随年龄的增长逐渐上升;(3)随着年龄的增长,农村儿童青少年恐惧对象的数目逐渐下降;(4)农村女生在总体恐惧水平、各维度恐惧水平及恐惧对象的数目上均显著地高于男生。 A stratified sampling method was adopted to collect 473 primary, fourth, fifth, sixth grade primary school students, 471 primary school students, sophomore senior high school students and secondary school students from Shandong rural areas. Fear of rural children and adolescents The content of the study. The results showed that: (1) The most common fears of children and adolescents in rural areas are mainly related to the danger and injury and social relations; (2) The overall fear level of children and adolescents in rural areas as well as the fear and unknown and not (3) The number of fear victims in rural children and adolescents gradually decreased with the increase of age; (4) The overall fear level of rural girls , The level of fear in all dimensions and the number of fear objects were significantly higher than boys.
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在直播油菜田,使用威霸90EC商品量每667m240~50ml或75EW50~60ml,于野燕麦3叶期对水喷雾进行茎叶处理,防除野燕麦效果90%以上。对油菜安全。灭草后油菜增产20%以上。 Live rape field, the use of Wei Pa 90EC comm
在我们农场 ,每年近万亩夏大豆播种后 ,禾本科和阔叶杂草也随之出苗。草苗数量多 ,长势旺 ,与大豆植株争地、争空间、争阳光、争养分。如不及时进行人工除草和化除 ,会直接造
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