
来源 :浙江林学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:killme2005
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在北亚热带黄棕壤上的28年生杉木林分内,设置不同季节伐木的5个处理(秋伐、冬伐、初春伐、初夏伐和夏伐),研究它们的伐桩萌芽内氮素营养、内源激素、休眠芽萌发数及萌条生长量的差异。结果表明:前1年冬伐(12月8日)和当年早春伐(3月8日)是最佳伐木时间,此时杉木伐桩上的萌发势最强,萌芽内氦素营养水平最高,生长量也最大。休眠芽的萌发数主要与细胞分裂素关联;而不同伐桩萌芽内氮素营养状况的差异,主要是与氮素养分在植株内的运转(特别是还原态氮向树干基部和根系的回流作用)有关。不同季节采伐,意味着在不同时期截断植株的向上运输和回流,因而得到氮素营养水平的不同结果。环割试验进一步证实了这项推论。由此可见,伐桩萌芽内的全氮量和氨基氮浓度,可以作为论证合适伐木季节和预测萌条生长量的生理指标。 Five treatments (autumn, winter, early spring, early summer and summer) were set up in the 28-year-old Chinese fir stand on the northern subtropical yellow-brown soil to study the effect of nitrogen nutrition , Endogenous hormones, germination numbers of dormant buds and the growth of buds. The results showed that the winter cutting (December 8) and the early spring cutting (March 8) in the previous year were the best logging time, at which the germination potential was the strongest on the pine stump and the highest in the helium was the highest, Growth is also the largest. The germination numbers of dormant buds were mainly associated with cytokinin. The differences of nitrogen nutrition in different buds were mainly related to the action of nitrogen nutrients in plants (especially the return of reduced nitrogen to the roots and stems of the trunk) )related. Harvesting in different seasons means truncating the upward transport and return of the plants at different times, thus giving different results of the level of nitrogen nutrition. Ring cut test further confirmed this corollary. Thus it can be seen that total nitrogen content and amino nitrogen concentration in the sprouting of the pile can be used as physiological indexes to demonstrate the suitable logging season and the growth of the sprout.
这时已是初秋时份。山乡入夜,不免有些凉意。然而久不露面的小周这时却满头大汗,周旋于达官显贵之间。剧团团长更是万般殷勤,在嘉宾面前龇牙咧咀,笑得比哭还难看。 This is
鸡年前夕,得《企业会计准则》,一唱声中,把卷迎旦,喜从中生而三赞之! 一赞名为“准则”好以“准则”命名,以名言义,名正言顺。准则所指,“无往不‘正’(准)”,必将立会计之