Flexibility Analysis of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Aa

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cabinwyq
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Objective To investigate the flexibility and mobility of the Bacillus thuringiensis toxin Cry1 Aa. Methods The graph theory-based program Constraint Network Analysis and normal mode-based program NMsim were used to analyze the global and local flexibility indices as well as the fluctuation of individual residues in detail. Results The decrease in Cry1 Aa network rigidity with the increase of temperature was evident. Two phase transition points in which the Cry1 Aa structure lost rigidity during the thermal simulation were identified. Two rigid clusters were found in domains I and II. Weak spots were found in C-terminal domain III. Several flexible regions were found in all three domains; the largest residue fluctuation was present in the apical loop2 of domain II. Conclusion Although several flexible regions could be found in all the three domains, the most flexible regions were in the apical loops of domain II. Objective To investigate the flexibility and mobility of the Bacillus thuringiensis toxin Cry1 Aa. Methods The graph theory-based program Constraint Network Analysis and normal mode-based program NMsim were used to analyze the global and local flexibility indices as well as the fluctuation of individual residues Results of decreasing in Cry1 Aa network rigidity with the increase of temperature was evident. Two phase transition points in which the the Cry1 Aa structure lost rigidity during the thermal simulation were identified. Two rigid clusters were found in domains I and II. Weak spots were found in C-terminal domain III. Several flexible regions were found in all three domains; the largest residue fluctuation was present in the apical loop2 of domain II. flexible regions were in the apical loops of domain II.
摘 要:在对小学生进行教学管理的过程中,笔者发现,由于心理及生理特点的影响,他们的自学学习意识普遍不强,学习活动中情绪化严重,学习行为常常被心情与兴趣所支配,这在很大程度上影响了他们学习的积极性与持久性。相关研究表明,情感因素是导致学生学习差异的一个主要影响因素,对于孩子们的学习行为与学习效果有着最直接的影响。因此在日常教育管理过程中,应充分发挥情感教育的作用,培养孩子们的自信心,引导他们形成良好
摘要:动画与漫画作为日本长盛不衰的文化产业,是日本文化输出的重要手段。借助动画与漫画等渠道,世界充分了解了日本的民族文化与民族历史,并在一定程度上认识到日本独具特色的民族精神。在此其中,《海贼王》作为最具影响力的日本动漫精品之一,其借助架空世界的少年冒险漫画,尽显了日本人的思想认知与精神体系,向世界呈现出刚柔并济的日本民族精神。对此,本文以《海贼王》为研究重点,探究其内涵深厚的民族精神。  关键词