An Analysis of Teacher Questioning from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory——Based on a Demonstrati

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There is no doubt that teacher questioning is one of the most crucial components in English classroom teaching.It is an essential and effective channel for teachers to interact and communicate with students.More importantly, it plays an extremely part in inspiring students to think critically and fostering their problem-solving capabilities.Given that teacher questioning is so significant in English classroom teaching, the present paper will make an analysis of teacher questioning from the perspective of speech act theory with an aim to giving some constructive pedagogic implications to English teachers. There is no doubt that the teacher questioning is one of the most crucial components in English classroom teaching. It is one essential and effective channel for teachers to interact and communicate with students. More importantly, it plays an extremely part in inspiring students to think critically and fostering their problem-solving capabilities. Given that teacher questioning is so significant in English classroom teaching, the present paper will make an analysis of teacher questioning from the perspective of speech act theory with an aim to giving some constructive pedagogic implications to English teachers.
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