
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chppxhn
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In this study the effect of collagen-polyvinylpyrrolidone (collagen- PVP) vs. triamcinolone acetonide (Triam) in scleroderma (SSc) skin lesions was evaluated. Ten SSc patients were treated weekly with subcutaneous injections of 0.2 mL Triam (8 mg/mL) or 0.2 mL collagen- PVP (1.66 mg collagen). Skin biopsies were obtained from lesions before and after treatment. Tissue sections were evaluated by histology and immunohistochemistry (ELAM-1, VCAM- 1, IL- 1β ,TNF-α ,TGF-β 1 and PDGF). The corticoid- treated group showed abnormal tissue architecture while the biodrug- treatment restored cutaneous appendages and type I/III collagen proportion. Cytokine and adhesion molecule expression was almost inhibited with Triam, while collagen-PVP down- regulated it. Collagen-PVP improved the tissue architecture of SSc lesions and down regulated some proinflammatory parameters, without the side effects induced by corticoids. Ten SSc patients were treated weekly with subcutaneous injections of 0.2 mL Triam (8 mg / mL). In this study the effect of collagen-polyvinylpyrrolidone (collagen- PVP) vs. triamcinolone acetonide (Triam) in scleroderma Skin biopsies were obtained from lesions before and after treatment. Tissue sections were evaluated by histology and immunohistochemistry (ELAM-1, VCAM-1, IL-1β, TNF-α, TGF- β 1 and PDGF). The corticoid-treated group showed abnormal tissue architecture while the biodrug- treatment restored cutaneous appendages and type I / III collagen proportion. Cytokine and adhesion molecule expression was almost inhibited with Triam, while collagen-PVP down-regulated it Collagen-PVP improved the tissue architecture of SSc lesions and down-regulated some proinflammatory parameters, without the side effects induced by corticoids.
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