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The chestnuts genus(Castanea spp.)is comprised of economically important trees native to the Northern hemisphere that are used as food and hardwood timber.Here,
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Meiotic recombination and the resulting novel allele combinations are fundamental to plant breeding and the identification of superior hybrids.However,the rate
Allopolyploid Brassica juncea is particularly enriched in sinigrin,a kind of 3C aliphatic glucosinolates(GSLs),giving rise to characteristic taste after picking
Autumn leaf senescence and coloration is a complex process and a striking natural phenomenon.Here,through biology approach integrating transcriptomic analyses i
Stone cells have been described to substantially influence pear fruit quality,as lignin and cellulose are the main components of stone cells.However,there are l
Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata is an emerging horticultural pest of Solanaceae plants in Asia.Here,we employed transcriptome sequencing of three female and
“我已经买好机票了,今晚就回家。”当北京PE战队在第一轮16进8的比赛中以0-2的比分落后时,作为战队的替补中单,没能等来上场机会的冯亚新(ID:北京PE.泪眸)自顾自地说出了这句话。  前一晚,他做了一个梦。他梦见队伍0-3被对手淘汰出局,也预见到了当自己推开家门的那一刻,父母对他劈头盖脸的责骂。  四天前,关于自己未来该做点什么,他和母亲之间又一次吵了起来,但这并没能改变他想要来参加比赛的决心
丨可能是一次赌博式的决定  杭州VP教练玄光翼(陈煜铠),曾在多支《王者荣耀》次级战队执教。曾带领EMC战队在世冠资格赛中连续四场逆风翻盘战胜CW进入正赛。对冷静的他而言,替补和首发,都是队伍取胜的筹码。  “一般来说,在以职业为目标的战队里,有三种类型的替补。  第一种是轮换制,两个人轮着上。比如一个打坦边(主要使用坦克英雄的边路),一个打战边(擅长使用战士英雄的边路)。至于谁上可能看版本和战术