She Nationality Women Looks to Modern Life

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The She nationality, one of the China’s many minority nationalities, call themselves Shanha. Ha means guest in the She language. The She people are mainly distributed throughout the mountainous areas of over 80 counties and cities in the five provinces of Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Anhui. Most of the 368,000 She people live in Fujian and Zhejiang. As a whole, they are scattered in different areas and live together in small groups. Their villages are adjacent to Chinese villages. The She people mainly engage in farming rice and sweet potatoes, in addition to forestry, tea planting and hunting. The She nationality have their own language which is similar to the Kejia dialect of Mandarin. But because they do not have their own script, they use Mandarin. The She people have three major family names—Lei, Zhong and Lan—which are said to be the descendants of several ancestors of the She nationality. The She people take delight in singing folk songs. In their daily life and work, they sing songs The She nationality, one of the many’s minority nationalities, call themselves Shanha. Ha means guest in the She language. The She people are mainly distributed throughout the mountainous areas of over 80 counties and cities in the five provinces of Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi Most of the 368,000 She people live in Fujian and Zhejiang. As a whole, they are scattered in different areas and live together in small groups. The She people are adjacent to Chinese villages. and sweet potatoes, in addition to forestry, tea planting and hunting. The She nationality have their own language which is similar to the Kejia dialect of Mandarin. But because they do not have their own script, they use Mandarin. The She people have three major family names-Lei, Zhong and Lan-which are said to to the descendants of several ancestors of the She nationality. The She people take delight in singing folk songs. In their daily life and work, they sing songs
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