发展特色经济 实现富民强县——来自精河县的报告

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近年来,精河县县委、政府抓住西部大开发的历史性机遇,明确发展思路,调整优化经济结构,突出发展特色经济,使国民经济保持了持续快速增长,综合实力不断增强。2003年,全县实现国民生产总值7.24亿元,比上年增长9.5%;种植业结构进一步优化,农牧民人均纯收入达3605元,比上年增长12.8%;城镇在岗职工人均收入8110元,增长12.2%。调整优化结构围绕农民增收突出发展以奶牛业为重点的农区畜牧业,实现农业经济结构的战略性调整。1996年以来,该县坚持草原畜牧业和农区畜牧业并举,重点发展农区畜牧业,先后出台了《关于加快畜牧业发展,振兴牧业经济的决定》、《关于大力发展奶牛业的决定》等政策,把发展农区畜牧业和奶牛业作为农村经济的支柱产业,摆在与棉 In recent years, Jinghe County Committee and Government seized the historic opportunity of the great development of the western region, clarified the development train of thought, adjusted and optimized the economic structure, highlighted the development of the featured economy, maintained the sustained and rapid growth of the national economy, and continuously enhanced the overall strength. In 2003, the county achieved a GDP of 724 million yuan, an increase of 9.5% over the previous year; the structure of the planting industry was further optimized; the per capita net income of farmers and herdsmen reached 3605 yuan, an increase of 12.8% over the previous year; and the per-capita income of urban workers and employees was 8110 Yuan, an increase of 12.2%. Adjust and optimize the structure around the peasants to increase income to highlight the development of dairy cattle industry as the focus of animal husbandry in agriculture and agriculture to achieve the strategic adjustment of economic structure. Since 1996, the county has adhered to the simultaneous development of animal husbandry in grasslands and livestock raising in rural areas, with a focus on the development of livestock husbandry in rural areas. It successively promulgated the “Decision on Accelerating the Development of Animal Husbandry and Revitalizing the Animal Husbandry” and the “Decision on Vigorously Developing the Dairy Industry ”And other policies, the development of animal husbandry in rural areas and dairy industry as a pillar industry in rural economy, and cotton
本文用化学、金相学以及力学的方法,对175t桥式脱模机空心双螺旋铜丝母的破坏原因进行了分析,指出了改进的方向。 In this paper, chemical, metallographic and mechanical