Occurrence Regularity of Tobacco Cutworm Moth (Spodoptera Litura) in Low-Altitude Tobacco Cultivatio

来源 :Plant Diseases and Pests | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yy04081406
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[Objective] The paper was to study the occurrence and damage regularity of tobacco cutworm moth (Spodoptera Litura Fabricius) in low-altitude area in Lincang city. [Method] The adult sex attractant monitoring, field investigation of occurrence and damage, and observation of continuous generation development of natural populations were carried out in natural flue-cured tobacco fields. [Result] In field growth period of flue-cured tobacco under low-altitude of 1 000-1 300 m, tobacco cutworm moth occurred for 4 generations, the duration of each generation was about 33 d, and the main injurious generation was the third generation. [Conclusion] The paper provided reference for comprehensive control of tobacco cutworm moth in the low altitude areas. [Objective] The paper was to study the occurrence and damage regularity of tobacco cutworm moth (Spodoptera Litura Fabricius) in low-altitude area in Lincang city. [Method] The adult sex attractant monitoring, field investigation of occurrence and damage, and observation of continuous generation development of natural populations were carried out in natural flue-cured tobacco fields. [Result] In field growth period of flue-cured tobacco under low-altitude of 1 000-1 300 m, tobacco cutworm moth occurred for 4 generations, the duration of each generation was about 33 d, and the main injurious generation was the third generation. [Conclusion] The paper provided reference for comprehensive control of tobacco cutworm moth in the low altitude areas.
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1 病例报告患者男,33岁,农民。心悸、呕吐4h,于1998年6月24日19∶00急诊入院。患者当日15∶00左右服友人家泡制的川乌药酒2杯(约50g),不久出现流涎、恶心、呕吐,伴心悸、头
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1985~1997年我院共收治急性有机磷中毒1593例,其中并发急性药物性肝病68例,约占4.27%,现总结分析如下.1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组男性26例,女性42例;年龄最小者17岁,最大者5
[Objective] The paper was to understand the suitable meteorological indexes and key meteorological factors for infection and prevalence of tobacco brown spot. [
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