Analysis of Meteorological Condition for Infection of the Pathogen of Tobacco Brown Spot (Alternaria

来源 :Plant Diseases and Pests | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengwenjie123
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[Objective] The paper was to understand the suitable meteorological indexes and key meteorological factors for infection and prevalence of tobacco brown spot. [Method] Tobacco brown spot disease in five topical mountainous climatic areas of Guizhou Province was investigated, and the difference of biological characteristics of different strains was analyzed indoor. Different meteorological conditions (light, temperature and humidity) were simulated in artificial climate box by using the uniform design method , and the difference of infection ability of Alternaria alternate in different climate zones was analyzed in leaves in vitro by hanging drop method. [Result] The infection rate of A. alternate in different climate zones of Guizhou Province showed certain difference. In low temperature and middle humidity (the humidity is 50%-60%, the temperature is 10-20 ℃) conditions, the pathogen could infect tobacco leaves, various strains had certain difference, but the difference was small. [Conclusion] The paper provided theoretical basis for prevalence prediction and control of tobacco brown spot. [Objective] The paper was to understand the appropriate meteorological indexes and key meteorological factors for infection and prevalence of tobacco brown spot. [Method] Tobacco brown spot disease in five topical mountainous climatic areas of Guizhou Province was investigated, and the difference of biological characteristics different meteorological conditions (light, temperature and humidity) were simulated in artificial climate box by using the uniform design method, and the difference of infection ability of Alternaria alternate in different climate zones was analyzed in leaves in vitro by hanging drop method. [Result] The infection rate of A. alternate in different climate zones of Guizhou Province showed certain difference. In low temperature and middle humidity (the humidity is 50% -60%, the temperature is 10-20 ° C) conditions , the pathogen could infect tobacco leaves, various had had certain difference, but the difference was small. [ Conclusion] The paper provided theoretical basis for prevalence prediction and control of tobacco brown spot.
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1 病例报告患者男,33岁,农民。心悸、呕吐4h,于1998年6月24日19∶00急诊入院。患者当日15∶00左右服友人家泡制的川乌药酒2杯(约50g),不久出现流涎、恶心、呕吐,伴心悸、头
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1985~1997年我院共收治急性有机磷中毒1593例,其中并发急性药物性肝病68例,约占4.27%,现总结分析如下.1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组男性26例,女性42例;年龄最小者17岁,最大者5