
来源 :西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jbl6055871
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我国的萱草属植物种类很多,分布广泛,为了证实萱草属不同种植物根的毒性,本研究通过动物(山羊、家兔、小白鼠)中毒试验和萱草根素的分离鉴定,对六种萱草根进行了比较研究。试验结果:从野黄花菜根和北黄花菜根中分离得到有毒成分——萱草根素。野黄花菜根粉、北黄花菜根粉和萱草根素均能使动物发生瞳孔散大、失明、瘫痪、尿闭和死亡。而黄花菜根、萱草根、千叶萱草根和长苞萱草根则无上述毒害。这些结果表明,萱草属不同种根的毒性确有显著差异,这种差异取决于各种萱草根中是否含有萱草根素。另外,讨论了羊、牛萱草根中毒发生的地区性与萱草属某些种的分布关系以及本病的早期诊断等问题。 There are many species of Valeriana plants in China and they are widely distributed. In order to confirm the toxicity of different plant species of Valeriana, this study was conducted through the animal (goat, rabbit, mouse) poisoning test and the isolation and identification of barnyard grass roots to six kinds of barnyard grass roots. A comparative study was conducted. Test results: Weedy root element was isolated from the root of wild beetroot and the root of northern lily. Wild lily flower root powder, northern lily flower root powder and barnyard grass root root can all cause mydriasis, blindness, convulsions, urine closure and death in animals. The lily root, valerian root, Chiba grass root and valerian root were not poisoned. These results indicate that there is a significant difference in the toxicity of different roots of Valeriana, and this difference depends on the presence or absence of Valerianin in various Valerian roots. In addition, the relationship between the regional distribution of some poisonous occurrences of sheep and burdock grass roots and some species of Valeriana and the early diagnosis of this disease were discussed.
亚洲产的印度犀Rhinoceros unicornisL.、爪哇犀Rhinoceros sondaicus Des-marest及苏门犀Rhinoceros sumatrensisCuvier的角,通称犀角,是常用贵重中药材,为安宫牛黄丸、牛
近年来,笔者应用血府逐瘀汤治疗多种不同疾病,疗效显著。现择数例介绍于下,并谈谈肤浅体会。一、临床病例选介 (一)头痛劳××,女,28岁,干部。三年多前头部曾有外伤史。此后
半夏为天南星科植物半夏[Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit.]的干燥块茎,始载《神农本草经》,生半夏有大毒,食少量可使口舌麻木,服多量则致喉舌烧痛、肿痛、呼吸迟缓、最后麻
<正> 近两年来,笔者运用自拟的“柴胡升麻滑石汤”加味治疗感冒和流行性感冒(以下简称“流感”)患者200余例,收到满意效果。现将临床资料较完整的80例治疗情况简介如下。
以下33位读者被评为2003年第17期热心评刊员。■表示为《电脑爱好者》2003年全年订户。一等奖1名(奖品为升技IS7-E主板1块) The following 33 readers were named the 17th
栀子含有藏红花素(crosin)及去羟栀子甙(geniposide 简称 GD),栀子甙(garde-noside)、sanciside 及其他数种,其中 GD 含6%,为其含量最高之成分。本文就栀子 GD 及其葡萄糖甙