Polydopamine-Assisted Fabrication of Fiber-Optic Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on

来源 :Transactions of Tianjin University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ixiay
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A fast and facile method of fabricating fiber-optic localized surface plasmon resonance sensors based on spherical gold nanoparticles was introduced in this study. The gold nanoparticles with an average diameter of 55 nm were synthesized via the Turkevich method and were then immobilized onto the surface of an uncladded sensor probe using a polydopamine layer. To obtain a sensor probe with high sensitivity to changes in the refractive index, a set of key optimization parameters, including the sensing length, coating time of the polydopamine layer, and coating time of the gold nanoparticles, were investigated. The sensitivity of the optimized sensor probe was 522.80 nm per refractive index unit, and the probe showed distinctive wavelength shifts when the refractive index was changed from 1.328 6 to 1.398,7. When stored in deionized water at 4 ℃, the sensor probe proved to be stable over a period of two weeks. The sensor also exhibited advantages, such as low cost, fast fabrication, and simple optical setup, which indicated its potential application in remote sensing and real-time detection. A fast and facile method of fabricating fiber-optic localized surface plasmon resonance sensors based on spherical gold nanoparticles was introduced in this study. The gold nanoparticles with an average diameter of 55 nm were synthesized via the Turkevich method and were then immobilized onto the surface of An uncladded sensor probe with high sensitivity to changes in the refractive index, a set of key optimization parameters, including the sensing length, coating time of the polydopamine layer, and coating time of the gold nanoparticles , was investigated. The sensitivity of the optimized sensor probe was 522.80 nm per refractive index unit, and the probe showed distinctive wavelength shifts when the refractive index was changed from 1.328 6 to 1.398, 7. When stored in deionized water at 4 ° C., the sensor probe proved to be stable over a period of two weeks. The sensor also utensibility, such as low cost, fast fabrication, an d simple optical setup, which indicates its potential application in remote sensing and real-time detection.
“翠鸟喜欢停在水边的苇秆上,一双红色的小爪子紧紧地抓住苇秆。它的颜色非常鲜艳。头上的羽毛像榄色的头巾,绣满了翠绿色的花纹。背上的羽毛像浅绿色的外衣。腹部的羽毛像赤褐色的衬衫。它小巧玲珑,一双透亮灵活的眼睛下面,长着一双又尖又长的嘴。” 每每想起小学课文里这段对翠鸟的描写,那种美丽就浮现在眼前了。  美丽的翠鸟在黄河三角洲地区多见于湖泊、水库、池塘、沟渠等水域。它们以鱼类为主,兼吃甲壳类和多种水生昆
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我们今天是观众,想在北极欣赏一场动物与动物之间血肉横飞的激战,用血腥的场面来刺激自己的感官,满足自己猎奇的欲望。假如哪天,人类不幸成为这个大片中的角色,谁当观众呢?    北极熊最初给我的印象,是个冷酷、凶残且有点愚笨的家伙。这些印象来源于中苏冷战期间看的那些谍战作品。那些作品中,北极熊常是苏修间谍的代号。那些“北极熊”总是身着浅灰或米黄的大衣,宽边帽压得低低的,帽檐下透出硕大的鼻子,鼻子上则是两