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提起全国人大代表、吉林大学中日联谊医院教授王维忠,许多人都非常熟悉。记者也多次采访过他,也算是他的忘年交,前不久,记者再一次“讨扰”了忙个不停的王代表,看看他近一年里在履行代表职责方面的情况。而王代表的言行确实令记者感动不已。议案大户高产代表王维忠自1998年当选全国人大代表以来的6年里,共向大会提出议案52件(被采纳27件)、建议47件,撰写调查报告20余份,在这些议案、建议和调查报告的背后,我们能够清晰地看到王代表那拳拳爱民之心和殷殷代表之情。正如他说:“我是人民选出来的人大代表,为民办事是我的天职,否 Mentioning NPC deputies and Wang Weizhong, a professor at the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital at Jilin University, many are very familiar with it. The reporter also interviewed him many times, can be regarded as his year-end pay, not long ago, the reporter once again ”disturbed“ a busy non-stop representative of the king to see him in the past year to perform the duties of delegates. The words and deeds of the king really make the reporter touched endlessly. In the six years since it was elected as NPC deputy in 1998, Wang Weizhong, a large-scale high-yielding representative, submitted a total of 52 motions (27 adopted) to the General Assembly for a total of 47 proposals and wrote more than 20 investigation reports. In these bills, suggestions and investigations Behind the report, we can clearly see that the king represents the heartfelt love of the people and his sincere affection. As he said: ”I am the deputies elected by the people. It is my duty to serve the people.
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