
来源 :国际贸易 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qvril
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美国缔结和实施有关国际贸易协定所运用的程序在不同的历史时期有不同的侧重点。1934年《互惠贸易协定法》之前,美国主要运用条约程序。在30年代,发生了AcKerman教授所说“大转变”(greattransformation),通过国会——行政协定程序缔结的国际协定大量增加,其中就包括1934年贸易法通过后签订的大量友好通商和航海条约。至今,国会——行政协定程序在缔结和实施贸易协定时仍占主要地位。“快车道”(fast-track)程序,虽属于国会——行政协定程序的一 The procedures used by the United States to conclude and implement the relevant international trade agreements have different points of emphasis in different historical periods. Prior to the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act of 1934, the United States mainly used treaty procedures. In the 1930s, Prof. Ackerman called “great transformation” and the proliferation of international agreements concluded through the parliamentary-administrative agreement process included the large number of friendly trade and navigation agreements that followed the 1934 trade law. To date, the parliamentary-administrative agreement procedures still dominate the conclusion and implementation of trade agreements. The “fast-track” program, though one of the parliamentary-administrative agreement procedures,
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