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中兴寺位于河南南阳镇平县(古时称涅阳)杨营乡贾庄村西南,古称登禅寺,建于北魏三年(三八六年),是南阳境内现存最古老的寺院,该寺所处地理位置略高,旁有赵河、蔡河流经,寺前有古石桥和深水潭,环境清幽。在该寺大殿前三十几米处,牌楼之下有西魏大统三年造像碑一座,即《白实等造中兴寺石像碑》,简称《白实造像碑》。造像碑为青灰色石灰岩,碑首作圭形,立于长方形碑座之上,碑座下面有力士托举,似有举泰山之势。碑通高1.84米,宽0.82米。碑阳分为上下两部分,上部为方形佛龛及造像,下部阴刻有碑铭。佛龛高0.6米,宽0.46米,龛内是我们常见的一佛、二弟子、二菩萨、二飞天及两伎乐。主佛高0.25米,在佛龛之中也是立体感最强的,几乎接近于圆雕。佛、二弟子、二菩萨的衣着都是魏晋以来的褒衣博带,秀骨清 Zhongxing Temple is located in Nanyang County, Henan Province, Ping County (Nyang ancient times) Yang Ying Township Jia Zhuangcun southwest, ancient name Deng Temple, was built in the Northern Wei Dynasty (386 years), is the oldest surviving Nanyang temple, the temple The geographical location is slightly higher, next to the Zhao River, Cai River flows through the temple in front of the ancient stone bridge and deep pool, quiet environment. In front of the temple hall thirty meters, under the archway there are three years of Western Wei dynasty statue of a monument, that is, “made of stone and other Zhongxingshi stone monument”, referred to as “white solid statue monument.” Monument for the gray limestone monument, the first stone for the first monument, standing on top of the rectangular Beizuo, Beit Block under the force of Shi Tuozhu, seems to lift the trend of Taishan. Beitong 1.84 meters high, 0.82 meters wide. Beiyang divided into two parts up and down, the upper part of the square shrines and statues, inscribed inscriptions at the bottom. The shrines are 0.6 meters high and 0.46 meters wide. The shrine is one of our common Buddhas, two disciples, two bodhisattvas, two flying and two magic. The main Buddha 0.25 meters high, in the niche is the strongest sense of three-dimensional, almost close to Yuandiao. Buddha, two disciples, two Bodhisattva clothes are since the Wei and Jin Bo drum Bo, show bone clear
在房性、房室交界性和室性早搏或并行心律之后,紧跟着的一个或连续数个窦性心动的P波形态异常,称为心房内差异传导(Aberrant atrial conduction)。其发生原理与心室内差异传
自从Wesley Mitchell、Arthur Burns以及他们在美国经济研究局的同事们在1937年推导出包含一致、先行与滞后性质的美国经济指数以来,关于这些指标的研究日益兴盛。尤其是经济
近期由北京语言大学教授、中国书法篆刻研究所所长朱天曙编校整理的《印说》一书由北京大学出版社出版。该书通过严谨科学的调研取证,为研究中国古代印论和篆刻艺术提供了详实的文献原貌与研究成果。朱天曙指出,对周应愿《印说》一书加以点校整理,目的是希望更多的研究者注意到这部书在古典文艺理论中的价值,同时也彰显出中国古代印章在文人生活中折射出的人文意义。  朱天曙在导言中对周应愿的生平、交游和《印说》一书的流传