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后勤在军队建设中具有双重性,贯彻注重质量建军指导方针必须以辩证观念作指导:既要保证部队质量建设,又要搞好自身的质量建设;既要重视行业特点,又要服从军队质量建设的整体要求;既要引导后勤服务于军队质量建设的需要,又要为后勤质量建设提供必要的服务。后勤工作的根本任务是为提高部队战斗力服务,贯彻注重质量指导方针必须以“保障有力”为目标:财力物力要保障重点;花钱办事要讲求效益;保障体制要整体优化;应急机动要快速高效;后勤自身建设要科技先行;工作重心要放在基层;努力搞好生产经营,在保障部队质量建设中发挥作用。后勤建设的关键在于队伍素质,贯彻注重质量建设方针,必须以培养高质量的人才为重点。 Logistic is dualistic in the building of the army. Guiding principles for implementing the principle of building a strong army must be guided by dialectical concepts. It is necessary to ensure the quality construction of the army as well as its own quality construction. Both the characteristics of the profession and the quality of the army must be obeyed Construction of the overall requirements; it is necessary to guide the logistics service in the army’s quality construction needs, but also for the construction of logistics quality to provide the necessary services. The basic task of logistic work is to improve the combat effectiveness of troops. To implement the guidelines of quality, we must take “guaranteeing strength” as the goal: the financial and material resources should ensure the key points; pay money for doing things must emphasize the benefits; ensure the overall optimization of the system; and emergency maneuvers must be fast and efficient ; The construction of logistics should take the lead in science and technology; the center of gravity should be placed at the grassroots level; efforts should be made to improve production and management and play a role in ensuring the quality of the troops. The key of logistics construction lies in the quality of the team and in implementing the quality construction principle, we must focus on cultivating high-quality personnel.
以广东汕头刘宝和案为切入点,对我国目前的刑事司法体系于多年发展变化下所取得的进步进行总结,对目前仍存在的一些问题进行思考并给出一定建议。 Taking the case of Liu B
恋爱是美妙的,热恋中的男女往往不分彼此,即使为对方一掷千金也在所不惜;一旦分手后,随着两人关系急转直下,有些人便开始盘算如何要回曾经在对方身上花的钱…… Love is won