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Recent observation of oscillating the two stream instability (TSI) in a solar type III radio bursts and spatial damping of Langmuir oscillations has made this i
<正> 党的十一届三中全会以来,随着农村各项经济政策的落实,农村的经济面貌发生了巨大变化。特别是各种联产承包责任制的不断完善和改进,使广大农民的生产积极性空前高涨,农
To constrain the properties of dark matter, we study spiral galaxy rotation curves measured by the THINGS collaboration. A model that describes a mixture of two
It is generally accepted that the history of the expansion of the universe can be exactly described by the concordance model, which makes specific predictions a
The field of structures on set of secants is offered and methods of its construction for various classes of one-valued nonlinearities of static systems are cons
<正> 在“文化大革命”的十年浩劫中,我馆和其他院校图书馆一样,是这场大破坏的重灾区。粉碎“四人帮”以后,在院领导的重视和支持下,在不断补充经费、人员的基础上,全馆工作
<正> 随着经济体制的改革和新技术革命的到来,图书馆的性质和职能已经开始发生深刻的变化。图书馆不再仅是保存文化、传播知识进行社会教育的文化事业单位,而且已经开始成为
We investigate image formations in gravitational lensing systems using wave optics. Applying the Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction formula to waves scattered by a g
<正> (一)S 类藏书的流通现状及原因“S 农业科学”类藏书是各县馆的藏书重点。据对本地区几十个县馆的藏书结构情况调查表明,S 类图书一般占县馆藏书量的20%—30%,然而,县馆