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1926—1937年,中华平民教育促进会在华北平原的冀中地区进行了大规模实地调查,旨在研究当时的农村家庭。主持其事者李景汉对家庭及其成员界定给出了一个定义:“家庭系包括一切共同生活之人口而言,但佣工及同居之客人未计算在内。凡与本家有密切之经济关系而且有亲属关系者,虽未在家,计算时亦包括在内,例如在外谋生者及入学之学生。凡已脱离密切经济关系者,虽在同院居住之父子或弟兄,亦不视为一家。”李景汉的调查印证了这样一种观点:我们传统上所谓“四世同堂”的家族结构,只是中国人对家庭形态的一种理想而已。经济上的关联程度是用以划分是否属于家庭成员的标准。以今天的眼光来看,李景汉的界定不免有些狭隘。这就需要我们重新讨论一下家的概念。当我们毫不含糊地使用“家”这个概念的时候,很少意识到,它往往包括三种不同的所指:作为物理意义上的房子——house,作为血缘意义上的家庭——family.作为情感意义上的居所——home。李景汉对于家的定义,其基础还是作为血缘意义上的家庭,但需要注意的是,在前现代社会中,三种所指是基本统一的场所,只是在现代社会,三种所指出现了分离,比如我们所熟悉的美国电视连续剧《老友记(Friends)》,没有血缘关系的三男三女共同租住在一套房中,那也是家,只不过这个家是“house”和“home”的结合体,而不包括“family”。 From 1926 to 1937, the China Association for the Promotion of Mass Education conducted a large-scale field investigation in the Jizhong area of ​​the North China Plain in order to study the then rural families. Li Jinghan, who presided over the incident, gave a definition of the family and its members: “The family system includes all the people who live together, but the helpers and guests living together are not counted in. Where there is a close economic relationship with the family and there is Relatives, though not at home, are also included in the calculation, for example, for living-earners and for students enrolled in schools. Neither are the father-son or brother who lives in the same house separated from those in close economic relations. The survey confirms the view that the family structure that we have traditionally called ”four generations in one generation“ is only an ideal of the Chinese on family forms. The level of economic relevance is the criterion used to classify whether or not they belong to family members. From today’s point of view, Li Jinghan’s definition can not help but some narrow. This requires us to re-discuss the concept of home. When we use the concept of ”home“ unequivocally, we seldom realize that it often includes three different kinds of meanings: as a house in the physical sense, as a familial family - family. As the emotional home --home. Li Jinghan’s definition of the family is based on the kinship family, but it should be noted that in the pre-modern society, the three kinds of reference are basically unified places only in the modern society where the separation of the three means For example, we are familiar with the American TV series ”Friends“, unrelated three men and three women living together in a suite, that is home, but this home is a combination of ”house“ and ”home“ , Not including ”family".
都市文化研究是一门世界性的前沿学科,当代不断升温、迅速扩张的城市化浪潮是它得以形成的现实基础,而前沿性和世界性则是它的两个基本特点。 The study of urban culture i
我们探讨有关化学平衡问题,一般都是设定“恒温”条件,通过改变浓度或压强来分析平衡移动;或设定“恒容”或“恒压”条件,通过改变温度来判断平衡移动。很少讨论在“绝热”容器中发生可逆反应的有关化学平衡问题。2013年江苏省化学高考试题中出现了这样的试题,很有新意。若不能敏锐地捕捉到“绝热”与 “恒温”的诸多差异,就会陷入习惯思维的陷阱,做出错误的选择。现将这些差异,尽可能多地辨析如下。  2013年江苏