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目的介绍平阳霉素联合地塞米松注射治疗1例口腔颌面颈部多发性静脉畸形患儿的治疗过程及效果。方法取平阳霉素8 mg+地塞米松10 mg+2%利多卡因2 m1(含平阳霉素2 mg/ml)备用。根据患儿年龄及瘤体大小、部位,抽取平阳霉素稀释液1~4ml。将针头垂直刺入瘤体或从瘤体边缘进针,回抽有血后,将药物缓慢注入瘤体内。10~20d可重复注射1次。结果根据部位不同分别注射2~7次,平阳霉素治疗效价总量小于78 mg;治疗后彩超示瘤体消失;随访1年,无复发及并发症发生。结论平阳霉素联合地塞米松注射治疗口腔颌面颈部多发性静脉畸形,安全有效、简便易行,效果好,可最大限度地保持口腔颌面颈部皮肤黏膜组织的正常形态和功能。 Objective To introduce the treatment and effect of pingyangmycin and dexamethasone injection in treating 1 case of multiple oral venous malformations in oral and maxillofacial neck. Methods Pingyangmycin 8 mg + dexamethasone 10 mg + 2% lidocaine 2 ml (containing pingyangmycin 2 mg / ml) spare. According to the age of the child and tumor size, site, draw 1 to 4ml Pingyangmycin dilution. Insert the needle vertically into the tumor or into the needle from the edge of the tumor, pumping back the blood, the drug slowly into the tumor body. 10 ~ 20d repeat injection 1 times. The results were injected according to the site of different 2 to 7 times, Pingyangmycin total therapeutic titer less than 78 mg; after treatment, color Doppler showed disappearance of tumor; follow-up of 1 year, no recurrence and complications. Conclusion Pingyangmycin combined with dexamethasone injection for the treatment of multiple oral venous malformations of oral, maxillofacial and neck is safe and effective. It is simple, easy and effective and can keep the normal morphology and function of oral, maxillofacial and cervical skin mucosa.
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