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China’s Sina Weibo social media platform is now officially worth more than Twitter—the platform it copied.Weibo lands at around 11.35 billion USD while Twitter flits in at the slightly lower 11.34billion USD.The fact that the Chinese internet authorities blocked Twitter access in 2009 has certainly been a boon to Weibo,but Twitter has been experiencing problems for quite awhile,including inability to add new users.The short story is that Weibo is on the up and Twitter is on the out; China’s Sina Weibo social media platform is now officially worth more than Twitter-the platform it copied.Weibo lands at around 11.35 billion USD while Twitter flits at the slightly lower 11.34billion USD.The fact that the Chinese internet authorities blocked Twitter access in 2009 has certainly been a boon to Weibo, but Twitter has been experiencing problems for quite awhile, including inability to add new users.The short story is that Weibo is on the up and Twitter is on the out;
HOW CHINA’S CONSTRUCTION BOOM TRANSFORMED ITS ARCHITECTURE中国特色的奇葩建筑时代是时候告一段落了After several years of planning,a massive workforce began const
在一些高级宾馆、商厦及公共会客场所,一种最新研制成功的豪华立体动态灯箱,以它独有的魅力,正悄悄地步入我们的生活。 位于河北省省会石家庄站前街29号的省会圆月会社万鑫
Masters of kung-fu,sources of ancient and infallible wisdom,religious leaders beyond reproach—the Buddhist monk and the grand tradition of monasteries is of in
“Practice makes perfect!”32-year-old Michael Yu emphasizes to his students outside a bar in Sanlitun,Beijing around 10 pm on a Saturday night.The four student
第一章总则第一条本团体名称为宁夏林学会,(英文译名为:Ningxia Society of Forestry,缩写NSF),以下简称本学会。第二条本团体的性质:是由全区从事林业工作的单位和个人自愿