,Protein microarray: A key approach of proteomics

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Proteins are vital parts of living organisms,for they consist of the main components of physiological metabolic pathways.The expression and modification status of proteins in cells are time-and space-dependent based upon functions as well as responses to stress.A subject aiming at understanding of protein status under certain physiological condition in a large scale,termed proteomics,is fundamentally important in life science.Although the proteomic investigation mainly relies on electrophoresis,liquid chromatography,and mass spectrometry,protein microarray is emerging as one of new techniques,and its power is being recognized in the field recently.Herein,we highlight progress in protein microarray,both its generation and application.
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本文在以田间试验为依据,研究了不同密度和氮肥基追比例对超高产小麦烟农19号和西农979号产量和品质的调控效应。研究结果表明:1密度和氮肥运筹对超高产小麦产量的影响不同密度和氮肥基追比例对超高产小麦的产量均有明显的调节作用。适当密度,合理氮肥基追比例可以协调产量结构,显著提高小麦产量。烟农19和西农979均在中密度(基本苗300×104 hm-2)下,氮肥基追比例为5:5和4:6配置下,产量达到或较