
来源 :中国草原与牧草 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjzhanjx
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北京市东风区农场自1981年引进 BD—1号草坪草以来,现已在北京市内十多个重点单位进行了扩大生产试验,表现出抗逆性强、绿期长、颜色美观等优点,同时也表明它是可在北京地区适宜栽培的优良草坪草种,为便于该草种的推广,现将管理技术简介如下:1.分植前的准备:在造好建坪的地块中、每亩施入优质有机肥料2500—3000斤,或撒施 N、P、K 复合颗粒肥料100斤,然后翻耕、平整、打埂作畦。最好是用轮式拖拉机配套旋耕犁进行旋耕,使10—15厘米的耕层松软透气,以利栽苗和草坪草的生长。2.种苗分栽:分栽方式很多,沟栽,穴栽,干插苗和明水插秧均可。采用前三种方式栽苗后,必需及时浇水;采用后一种插秧方式的与水稻插秧相同,但当草苗栽完后,可使坪床自然落 Since the introduction of BD-1 turf grass in 1981, the Dongfeng District Farm in Beijing has now expanded its production test in more than 10 key units in Beijing, demonstrating the advantages of strong resistance, long green period and beautiful color. At the same time, it also shows that it is an excellent lawn grass species suitable for cultivation in Beijing. To facilitate the promotion of the grass species, the management techniques are as follows: 1. Pre-planting preparation: Mushi applicator 2500-3000 pounds of high-quality organic fertilizer, or spreading N, P, K 100 kg of granular fertilizer, and then tillage, formation, playing 埂 for 畦. It is best to use rotary wheeled tractor supporting rotary plow rotary tillage, so that 10-15 cm layer of soft and breathable, in order to facilitate the growth of planted grass and lawn grass. 2. Seedlings planted: sub-planting a lot of ways, ditch planting, acupuncture, dry seedlings and water plants can be inserted. After using the first three methods planted seedlings, it is necessary to timely watering; the latter method of transplanting rice and rice transplanting the same, but when the grass seedlings planted after the Ping bed can be naturally fall
【摘要】在英语教学中,通过合作学习实现不同信息的传递,以及师生、生生的多向交流,这种方式,能够有效提升中学英语教学效率,激发学生学习热情,提升他们的合作能力。笔者在中学英语课堂上落实合作学习,包括小组组建、任务设置以及小组活动方式与评价等几个方面进行了具体论述。  【关键词】小组合作学习 主动参与 积极思考 合作竞争 高效课堂  以构建主义视角分析,学生学习的过程,实际上就是学生将自身经验,转化为
据我个人的栽培实践和参考有关资料,初步摸索出了一套生料栽培平菇预防杂菌的七招,现介绍如下: 一、培养料的选择棉皮是平菇的优良培养料,入库前须曝晒3—5天,大塑料袋分装,