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对当代(新)儒家和宋明理学家而言,儒学不仅仅是儒学研究。他们认为儒家的终极教义是要寻求某种内在智慧和超越真理,这是客观研究和逻辑方法所不能理解的。他们强调,中西哲学有着本质不同,两者不能互相通约。与宋明儒家一样,大多数当代(新)儒学的第一代代表人物运用佛教的概念架构来建构其理论。然而,由于第二代的主要人物受过良好的西方哲学训练,他们常常借用西方唯心论者如康德和黑格尔的观念来重建儒家古典学说。与这种哲学的或形上的进路相比,日本儒学的进路自伊藤仁斋与荻生徂徕以来基本上是语言学的和历史学的。除了揭示内在的超越领域外,当代(新)儒家还必须处理外在世界的问题。前者他们称之为“内圣”,而后者则称之为“外王”。由此乃引出“韦伯式论旨”的问题。本文的主要目的是要探讨当代新儒学兴起的历史背景,揭示其主要课题,及审视当代儒学研究的各种进路和方法。本文的结论是:当代新儒学的规划在哲学论证上是不确当的,虽然其历史意义是不容抹煞的。 For contemporary (new) Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism, Confucianism is more than just Confucianism. They think that the ultimate tenet of Confucianism is to seek some kind of inner wisdom and to transcend the truth, which can not be understood by objective research and logical methods. They emphasized that there is a fundamental difference between Chinese and Western philosophy and that the two can not communicate with each other. Like Confucianism in Song and Ming dynasties, the first generation representatives of most contemporary (new) Confucianism constructed their theories using the conceptual framework of Buddhism. However, since the second-generation main characters were well-trained in western philosophy, they often rebuild Confucian classics from the notion of Western idealists such as Kant and Hegel. Compared with this philosophical or metaphysical approach, the approach of Confucianism in Japan has basically been linguistic and historical since the days of Ito Renzo and Ogata. In addition to revealing the inherent areas of transcendence, contemporary (new) Confucianism must also deal with the problems of the external world. The former they call “inner sanctuary”, while the latter call it “outer king.” This leads to the issue of “Weberian thesis.” The main purpose of this article is to explore the historical background of the rise of contemporary Neo-Confucianism, reveal its major topics and examine various approaches and methods of contemporary Confucianism research. The conclusion of this paper is that the planning of contemporary Neo-Confucianism is not philosophical proof, although its historic significance can not be ignored.
目的 调查广州市城乡养老院老年人痴呆患病情况.方法 采用分层整群抽样方法,将广州地区养老院分为市级、区级、民营、厂矿及农村乡镇,每层各抽取1个养老院进行调查.应查者为
目的 了解城市初中生自杀倾向的流行特点和规律.方法 采取多阶段整群抽样方法,于2003年6月采用"全球学校学生健康调查(GSHS)之中国问卷"在中国北京、杭州、武汉、乌鲁木齐四