Seven Suggestions on How to Enlarge English Vocabulary

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  【Abstract】English vocabulary plays a vital role in our English study. Many Chinese students often feel frustrated in an attempt to memorize English words. This paper gives readers seven suggestions on how to enlarge their vocabularies effectively in hope that they can be greatly enlightened.
  【Key words】suggestions; enlarge; vocabulary
  English vocabulary plays a vital role in our English study. Many Chinese students often feel frustrated in an attempt to memorize English words. This paper gives readers seven suggestions on how to enlarge their vocabularies effectively in hope that they can be greatly enlightened.
  1. Process the new words thoroughly.
  You should attach importance to the first stimulus of new words to the cortex of brain. In order to make your first stimulus impress your brain strongly, please process the new words thoroughly. Firstly, I suggest you to use dictionary wisely. You should choose one suitable dictionary from various kinds of dictionaries. Soon you will enjoy its convenience when you come across new words. Secondly, you should try to find out the breath after the contrast and the comparison of the new words with the words already within your vocabulary. Here, by using breath, I mean the point on which you can establish some relations between the new words and the old words phonetically, semantically and morphologically. For instance, you can use sense relationships:synonymy, antonymy, complementarity and hyponymy to establish certain relations to strengthen your memory.
  2. Depend on sense memory rather than mechanical memory.
  Mechanical repetition will easily make us exhausted, thus lessen the memorizing efficiency. So we should depend on sense memory which is based on understanding. In sense memory, the functions of sentence and context of the words can’t be underestimated. Because from the concrete sentences and contexts we can understand better the words and then grasp their practical usage. To memorize words in sentences and contexts can enlarge our vocabularies effectively.
  3. Over-learning can strengthen the long term memory.
  Over-learning is another effective way to memorize new words. Over-learning means to learn more times about the materials than you think is necessary. Researchers have found that people remember most if they repeat 150 percent of times to make the information solid in their memory. So you should not stop learning. However, the problem is that it is hard for you to know exactly how many times are the most appropriate. Different individuals have their own conditions. But you may consciously take notice of your repetition and sum up experience now and then. Later on you will find out the appropriate times.   4. Make good use of revisions.
  Ebbinghaus’“forgetting Curve” shows that most forgetting takes place immediately after learning. He finds that a large proportion of information is lost comparatively quickly within the first hour and therefore stabilizes to a much slower rate of loss. So I suggest you to review newly remembered words shortly after your memorizing process regularly, that is, review in time. If you are not in time, what you will do is not to review at all, instead, it will just equal to memorize some completely new words. So keep in mind to review in time.
  5. You should have proper attitudes.
  Firstly, you should be confident. Do not doubt your memory just because it seems that you keep forgetting. You are assured that you have the same powerful memory just as all the others. What you lack are the knowledge of laws and techniques of the memory. Then try to foster an interest in memorizing the new words. List several reasons why memorizing new words is interesting in your minds and say to yourselves that it is really interesting .In order to obtain a large vocabulary, many efforts have to made and many difficulties from the world within and without have to be conquered. All these need perseverance. At last, you should divide you time scientifically and try to strike a proper balance between work and rest.
  6. Use the new words as frequently as possible.
  Without the applications, the new words are easily forgotten. So try to use the new words as frequently as possible. Get rid of the fear that you might make some mistakes. It is the application that can test your mastery of the new words and then assist you to absorb the new words effectively and promptly.
  7. Stimulate all the sense organs to work
  As we have discussed that the cooperation of the different sense organs will produce better effects than the use of only one organ. Please get all the sense organs involved when you try to memorize the new words. Make gestures while reading the new words aloud. Visualize the concepts. You can circle out the new words with a color pen, make marks and write examples on the margin.
【Abstract】The poem “Farewell to Cambridge” written by Xu Zhimo gains great popularity and attracts a great number of readers. He described a beautiful and graceful scene with extremely artistic techni
一、设计意图  运用“问题驱动”的英语教学模式和采用“合作探究”的英语学习方式,突出课文整体阅读策略,使学生获取语言信息,引发学生思考辅以讨论、合作学习的方式达到语用、交际的目的。  二、教材内容:A master of nonverbal humor  三、教学目标  1.从认知角度领悟the important role humor plays in one’s life。  2.培养学生良好
【摘要】随着时代的不断进步,英语这门语言的应用越来越广泛,因此,整个社会对人才的英语水平能力要求变得越来越苛刻,许多家长都认为英语的学习要从小学开始严格抓起。众所周知,大多数学生是在小学初次接触英语的,毫无基础,因此在小学英语的教学中,单词教学是学习英语的基础,然而家长们急功近利的心态往往会导致忽视孩子的单词积累训练。在本篇文章中所提到的内容就是分析单词教学在小学英语教学中的重要性。  【关键词】
教材分析  《彭德怀和他的大黑骡子》是苏教版语文第十册第六单元的一篇课文。课文记叙了红三军团长征过草地时,因为断粮,彭德怀忍痛下令把自己最喜爱的大黑骡子和其他所有牲口全部枪杀充饥的事,表现了彭德怀爱大黑骡子,更爱战士的感情,赞扬了他与战士同甘共苦的精神。文章表达上的最大特点是呈现多组冲突和细节的描写。情节感人,文字精练含蓄,耐人寻味。引导学生品读、感悟课文的语言文字,培养学生的语感,从而感受伟人的
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