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人们看人论事时,常有一个标准和参照物,从而得出“不像什么”或“像什么”的结论比如说古时的官,其“标准像”是“出则舆马,入则高堂,上一呼而下百诺;见者侧目视,侧足立”。而相当长的时期内,共产党的干部则不像个官。抗战时期,著名爱国将领续范亭在延安第一次见到朱德时,怎么也想不到眼前这位像一个普普通通的庄稼汉的人,便是叱咤风云、威震敌胆的八路军总司令。惊叹之余,他写下一首诗:“敌后撑持不世功,金刚百炼一英雄。时人未识将军面,朴素浑如田舍翁。” “甘为民仆耻为官”,我们党的优秀分子正是以此为行为准则。他们身居高位,依然是普通一兵本色,虽手握重权,但从不用来谋取私利。在群众眼里,他们都“不像官”。焦裕禄、孔繁森他们外表虽然平凡,却体现着共产党人最精华的品德——全心全意为人民服务。 与此相异的是,有些人一走上领导岗位,就惟恐别人不知道他是一个官,说活办事总想摆出一副官架子。昨天还骑自行车上班,今日就没小车接不出门;昨日直呼其名还笑容可掬,今日不叫“× When people look upon people’s arguments, they often have a standard and a reference object, so as to draw the conclusion of “what is not like” or “what is it like?” For example, in ancient times, the “standard image” is “ The high hall, a call on the next promise; see the side of the visual, side full stand. ” For a long period of time, the Communist cadres did not look like an official. During the war of resistance against Japan, the famous patriotic general Fan Chang continued to see Zhu De in Yenan. He could not think of the man who was like an ordinary man in front of Yan’an. He was the commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army who was in a fickle situation and a mighty enemy. When he marveled, he wrote a poem: “After the enemy’s back to support the world, King Kong practiced a hero. People did not know the military side, simple muddy as Tawang.” “Gan for the people shameless as officials,” our party’s outstanding elements It is this as a code of conduct. They are at a high level, and they are still ordinary common people’s qualities. They hold the heavy right but never use it for personal gain. In the eyes of the masses, they are “unlike officials.” Jiao Yulu, Kong Fansen Although their appearance is ordinary, they embody the essence of the Communists - they serve the people wholeheartedly. In contrast, some people, as soon as they are on their way to leadership posts, fear that others will not know that he is an official and that he always wants to set an office on the sidelines. Yesterday, riding a bicycle to work, no car today do not go out; called his name yesterday also smiled, today is not called "×
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