Identification of Forest Vegetation Using Vegetation Indices

来源 :Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongque168
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Spectral feature of forest vegetation with remote sensing techniques is the research topic all over the world, because forest plays an important role in human beings’ living environment. Research on vegetation classification with vegetation index is still very little recently. This paper proposes a method of identifying forest types based on vegetation indices, because the contrast of absorbing red waveband with reflecting near-infrared waveband strongly for different vegetation types is recognized as the theoretic basis of vegetation analysis with remote sensing. Vegetation index is highly related to leaf area index, absorbed photosynthetically active radiation and vegetation cover. Vegetation index reflects photosynthesis intensity of plants and manifests different forest types. According to reflectance data of forest canopy and soil line equation NIR=1.506R+0.0076 in Jingyuetan, Changchun of China, many vegetation indices are calculated and analyzed. The result shows that the relationships between veg Spectral feature of forest vegetation with remote sensing techniques is the research topic all over the world, because forest plays an important role in human beings’ living environment. Research on vegetation classification with vegetation index is still very little recently. This paper proposes a method of oriented forest types based on vegetation indices, because the contrast of absorbing red waveband with reflecting near-infrared waveband strongly for different vegetation types is recognized as the theoretic basis of vegetation analysis with remote sensing. Vegetation index is highly related to leaf area index, photosynthetically active radiation and vegetation cover. Vegetation index adapted photosynthesis intensity of plants and manifests different forest types. According to the reflectance data of forest canopy and soil line equation NIR = 1.506R + 0.0076 in Jingyuetan, Changchun of China, many vegetation indices are calculated and analyzed. The result shows that the relati onships between veg
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