On the Cultivation of Critical Reading and Thinking

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  Kunming University, Kunming, Yunnan, China, 650214
  Abstract: Critical thinking is an important measuring index in the cultivation of talents at colleges and universities, and the combination of critical thinking and discipline education is the most ideal solution. This paper begins with the definition and methods to cultivate critical thinking, with the purpose of exploring the relations between the two, and introduces the critical reading models in college English teaching, its effectiveness and specific operation methods. This paper believes that critical thinking is an important condition and motivator for critical reading while critical reading is a vital way to develop critical thinking and a media to implement it.
  Key words: Critical Reading; Critical Thinking; Questioning and Thinking
  1. Introduction
  Since the 20th century, the cultivation of critical thinking has been attached great importance by western countries and has gradually become a research hotspot. In recent years, many domestic scholars have conducted research on the critical thinking abilities of college students. The result showed that the critical thinking abilities of Chinese college students are in urgent need to be improved. Liu Donghong (2005) found, from the research of English writings of college students, that most of them are still subject to authoritarian views and lack independent thinking ability and personal understandings.[1] Huang Yuanshen (1998, 2010) referred to the current thinking status of students majoring in foreign language as "absence of critical thinking". [2] And many experts such as Sun Youzhong (2011), [3] Wen Qiufang and Liu Runqing (2006) called for strengthened efforts to cultivate the critical thinking abilities of college students. [4]
  Critical reading is a major way to cultivate critical thinking. This paper will first sort out the connotation and research results of critical thinking and then explore on the models, features and methods of critical reading.
  2. What is Critical Thinking?
  In the past 20 or 30 years, foreign scholars have conducted multi-dimensional research on critical thinking, among whom the most well-known is Delphi Research (Facione 1990). This research put forward the view that critical thinking includes two parts, critical thinking skills and critical thinking disposition. And critical thinking skills contain interpretation, analysis, evaluation, deduction, explanation and self-adjustment, while critical thinking disposition covers truth seeking, open thinking, analytical ability, systematic ability, confidence, inquiry ability and recognition maturity.   Kneedler suggests that critical thinking contains 12 basic skills within three parts (Luo Qingxu, 2000): 1) definition and clarification, which include ① recognition of central topic or question, ② comparison of similarities and differences, ③ determination of relevant information and ④ formation of appropriate questions; 2) judgment of relevant information, which contains ① differentiation of facts, views and reasonable judgment, ② check consistency, ③ recognition of hypothesis between lines, ④ recognition of original model and cliché, ⑤ recognition of prejudices, emotional factors, promotion, semantic disposition and ⑥recognition of different value systems and ideologies; 3) solution and conclusion, covering ① recognition of the appropriateness of the materials and ② prediction of possible results. [5]
  Halpern (1998) believes that critical thinking disposition contains the willingness to participate in a complicated task and persist, the habit to make plans and prevention of impulsive behaviors, being flexible and open, the willingness to correct oneself and give up low effective strategy and the awareness of making proper preparation in front of reality. [6]
  It can be seen that the main difference on the description of critical thinking skills by Facione and Kneedler lies in the skills of "self-adjustment". Despite different languages applied, they have similar connotation, mainly referring to the information processing and treatment method. Luo Qingxu (2000:82) believed that "self-adjustment and monitoring are the core and critical foundation of critical thinking". [1] So does the author. Facione and Kneedler have defined critical thinking disposition in different words, but they all refer to individual quality and attitudes. Those with critical thinking skills have strong abilities in analysis, deduction and judgment while those with critical thinking disposition have the willingness to correct themselves and seek truth. Liu Donghong pointed out that critical thinking disposition and skills are two different concepts. [1] Those with critical thinking skills do not necessarily have the abilities to utilize critical thinking well. The person may be well trained to have critical thinking ability but that person could not actively use the critical thinking to analyze or solve problems due to inertial thinking or personal habit. Therefore, that person cannot be considered as having critical thinking. Similarly, a person with critical thinking disposition is not necessarily has good critical thinking ability.   4.2 Critical reading model
  Chen Lingjun (2010) put forward three critical reading models. The first one is to build a critical reading model of constructionism, which means that teachers allow students to discuss the content, representation methods and main idea of the article and form their own opinions and understanding. [8] Then these opinions should be summarized through group discussion so as to lead students to find objective basis for their own opinions. The second one is to select typical reading materials and multi-media teaching methods. The cultivation of critical thinking has certain requirement for reading materials so teachers can select some original and thoughtful reading materials, especially Internet commentary and news report. These reading materials are in nature of critical thinking and different opinions on the same phenomenon, which makes them the best subject for comparative analysis. When reading these articles, students can analyze, extract and even evaluate through comparative reading and form their own thoughts and opinions. The third one is to improve students’ language sensitivity through critical discourse analysis. Teachers can organize students to extract the basic ideas and emotional tone, evaluate the conscientiousness and objectivity of the expression and form right judgment on the facts. In addition, students should be able to extract the content, ideas and attitudes of the text and give feedback, whether it is recognition, doubt or denial.
  Huang Yuanshen(2013) conducted deep research on the third model and found some instructive methods from the perspective of critical discourse analysis. [2] They pointed out that teachers can design critical reading teaching from the following perspectives. The first one is critical reading perspective based on the concept of "author". Teachers can lead students to discuss who is the author of this text? Whose voice does it present? Whose interests does it reflect? What are the purposes and functions? These questions can effectively help students to challenge their thinking from the perspective of "the voice of work". The second is the critical reading perspective based on dialogue. The text is not the monologue of the author but a potential dialogue. All the texts are inviting potential readers to respond and give feedback in explicit or implicit way. Teachers should lead students to get engaged in critical reading, thinking and evaluation, form their unique understanding and highlight the subjectivity of leaners. The third is critical perspective based on genre intertextuality. Teachers can lead students to find the origin of the text. If it can be found, the difference between original one and the text should be compared. For example, the reason for selecting this text, are there any modifications or what is the meaning of it. If the origin cannot be found, articles with similar subjects can be found to explore the intertextuality among these articles.   Critical reading models put forward by the above scholars can be summarized into three points. The first is accurate selection of material, as proper materials can better inspire thinking. The second is appropriate guidance. Teachers should guide students’ thinking methods and angles. The third is reasonable methods. More discussions should be encouraged to reflect the subjectivity of the students in class.
  5. Conclusion
  Recently, a new round of college English and English major reforms have begun, with the purpose of improving the quality of talents. National standard for improving the quality of undergraduate students is being studied. And the cultivation of critical thinking is an important measuring index for talents cultivation quality at colleges and universities.
  [1] Liu Donghong, 2005, Research on the Critical Thinking Abilities of College Students in Writing [J],Foreign Language Teaching (3).
  [2] Huang Yuanshen, 1998, Absence of Critical Thinking [J],Foreign Language and Their Teaching 7: 1, 19.
  [3] Sun Youzhong, 2011, Highlighting the Cultivation of Critical Thinking Abilities and Further Leading Reform in English Major Reform [J],Foreign Languages in China (3) :49-58.
  [4] Wen Qiufang and Liu Runqing, 2006, Analysis on the Abstract Thinking Features of College Students from English Argumentative Essay [J],Foreign Languages (2) :49-58.
  [5] Luo Qingxu, 2000, On the Cultivation of Critical Thinking of College Students [J],Educational Research of Tsinghua University (4) : 81-85.
  [6] Halpern, D.F. 1998. Teaching critical thinking across domains: Dispositions, skills, structure and metacognitive monitoring [J].American sychologist (4):449-445.
  [7] Li Xiaomei, 2010, Experimental Research of the Teaching of English Major Reading Based on Critical Reading [J],Journal of Mudanjiang University, 19: 123-125.
  [8] Chen Lingjun, 2010, On the Cultivation of Critical Reading Ability of College Students [J], Educational Review :23-25.
主办:中国国际贸易促进委员会 中国光学光电子行业协会 中国国际展览中心集团公司支持:国家发展计划委员会 国家科学技术部 中国科学院 信息产业部 教育部 中国兵器工业集团
摘 要: 全面推进国家监察体制改革,是以习近平同志为核心的党中央作出的重大战略部署,是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重大举措。国家监察体制改革,将原属于检察院的职务犯罪侦查相关权利收归监察委所有。監察体制改革也让检察院组织法迎来了大修,检察院今后如何定位其职能并充分发挥作用引人关注。本文通过理清检察院的职能定位,对监察体制改革背景下,如何更好发挥其法律监督职能提出建议,以期在实践中起到指导作用
一、课程建设方面存在的问题。  问题一、精品课程、在线课程等网络资源不丰富。  改进措施:加强团队协作,既要加强《常用统计技术》的团队沟通协作,又要加强物流团队的协作沟通,把基础课程和专业紧密的结合起来。  问题二、微课程还没有启动。  改进措施:分工协作、统筹规划,尽快做出与学生实际紧密结合的微课程。  二、课堂教学及教学模式方面存在的问题。  主要问题:教学模式还不够丰富,创新力度不够。  改
摘 要: 干部人事檔案材料是反映干部情况的基本凭证和重要依据,是干部工作、人才工作的重要信息。同时,也公道正派地为选人用人提供真实、全面的档案信息。因此,近期组织人事等部门开始采用数字化管理,这样不仅能够提高工作效率,短时高效,节省空间,而且可以较好地保护原件档案。但是,在干部人事档案数字化管理过程中还存在以下问题:一是管理的方式存在缺陷、管理设备不够先进;二是管理人员的素质不高;三是干部人事档案
摘 要: 随着大数据技术应用的广泛推广,不仅带动了各领域、各行业的发展,而且还为其提供更多方面的参考数据信息。而我国的广播电视事业也在此契机下,在其监测系统中进行了大数据技术应用,并使之呈现出越来越具价值性的应用。通过对当前广播电视监测中大数据技术的应用进行相关探索与研究,希望可以在促进其我国广播电视事业发展的同时,也为数据监测分析提供有效参考。  关键词: 广播电视监测;大数据技术;应用  广播