Comparison of aerobic conjunctival bacterial flora in pregnant,reproductive-aged and postmenopausal

来源 :International Journal of Ophthalmology(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shayneinfo
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AIM: To evaluate the effect of hormonal status on aerobic conjunctival flora in women. METHODS: One hundred fifty-eight women [reproductive-aged (n=55), pregnant (n=51), and postmenopausal (n=52)] who admitted to outpatient clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Denizli State Hospital were enrolled. Age, body-mass index (BMI), obstetric history, cigarette smoking, drug usage, presence of systemic disease, and intraocular pressure (IOP) were recorded for each patient. The samples were taken from the lower fornix with two culture swabs and directly incubated in culture containing 5% sheep blood, eosin-methylene blue and chocolate agar. The other swab specimen was Gram stained. All growths and microscopic results were analyzed. RESULTS: The coagulase-negative Staphylococcus was the predominant organism isolated in the conjunctival samples in both three groups. The aerobic microorganism growth rate for all isolated aerobic organisms revealed no significant change in the three groups (P>0.05). The conjunctival culture positivity rates were similar in the three groups (49% in reproductive-aged, 57% in pregnant and 58% in postmenopausal women) (P>0.05). Age, IOP, BMI, gravidity, parity, cigarette smoking, drug usage, and presence of systemic diseases did not have an effect on culture positivity in three groups. CONCLUSION: Results of this study showed that conjunctival aerobic flora and bacterial colonization did not differ between reproductive-aged, pregnant and postmenopausal women. AIM: To evaluate the effect of hormonal status on aerobic conjunctival flora in women. METHODS: One hundred fifty-eight women [reproductive-aged (n = 55), pregnant (n = 51), and postmenopausal (n = 52)] who admitted to outpatient clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Denizli State Hospital were enrolled. Age, body-mass index (BMI), obstetric history, cigarette smoking, drug usage, presence of systemic disease, and intraocular pressure (IOP) were recorded for each The samples were taken from the lower fornix with two culture swabs and directly incubated in culture containing 5% sheep blood, eosin-methylene blue and chocolate agar. The other swab specimens were Gram stained. All growths and microscopic results were analyzed. RESULTS The coagulase-negative Staphylococcus was the predominant organism in the conjunctival samples in both three groups. The aerobic microorganism growth rate for all isolated aerobic organisms revealed no significant change in the three gr oups (P> 0.05). The conjunctival culture positivity rates were similar in the three groups (49% in reproductive-aged, 57% in pregnant and 58% in postmenopausal women) (P> 0.05). Age, IOP, BMI, gravidity , parity, cigarette smoking, drug usage, and presence of systemic diseases did not have an effect on culture positivity in three groups. CONCLUSION: Results of this study showed that conjunctival aerobic flora and bacterial colonization did not differ between reproductive-aged, pregnant and postmenopausal women.
春愁难遣强看山,  往事惊心泪欲潸。  四百万人同一哭,  去年今日割台湾。  抗日志士丘逢甲先生这首春愁诗已经为大家所熟悉。今日丘逢甲故居游人络绎不绝,他们大多是受逢甲先生爱国情怀感染而来,可以想象有很多人会考究逢甲先生笔下的“山”在什么地方。  逢甲先生的“山”,就是蕉岭一带的“山”。在先生的故居文福淡定,就可以看到连绵的青山妩媚极尽,桑麻影里、鸡犬声中掠过一幅幅山乡田园的图画。逢甲先生在他的
1927年3月16日凌晨,从事地下党务工作和工人运动的方伯务,在北平的湖南会馆被军阀张作霖的便衣特务抓捕。一同被捕的,还有李大钊等20多位革命同志,他们被关在同一所监狱。  在狱中,被捕的革命者面对严刑拷打,没有泄露党的半点机密。这让张作霖束手无策,只得下令,对李大钊、方伯务等20多人处以极刑。  刑场设在法部后院看守所,所中只有两副绞刑架,每次仅能执行2人,且每人约费18分钟方能绝命。首登绞刑架