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问:UL认证程序包括哪几步?答:UL认证程序一般分6步。首先,客户提交申请,其中包括公司和产品信息;其次,UL将制定一个方案,其中包括费用、检测范围和样本需求;第三,客户签订合同,交预付款和样本。对于某些样本,例如防火门等,在交付给UL前,UL的工程师会到现场查看防火门安装的情况;第四,UL工程师将按照UL Q: What steps are included in the UL certification process? A: The UL certification process is generally divided into 6 steps. First, the customer submits the application, which includes the company and product information; second, UL will develop a program that includes the cost, scope of testing, and sample requirements; and third, the customer will sign the contract, advance payment and samples. For some samples, such as fire doors, UL’s engineers will visit the site to see the fire door installation before delivery to UL; Fourth, UL engineers will follow UL.
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【正】 Guojin SecuritiesLooking back at the adjust-ments of export tax policiesover the past three years, onecan see that export rebateshave been readjusted aga
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Qingdao Huadong Calcium-Producing Co., Ltd. is one ofthe major calcium chlorideexporters in China. Thecompany’s output of calciumchloride was more than 150000
【正】 PVC(polyvinyl chloride)andcaustic soda, the most im-portant exports in the chlor-alkali sector are both greatlyaffected by the new policy.The export reba
Export rebates for fiberglassproducts went from 13% to5%. According to experts,this downward adjustment tothe export rebate rate hurtprofits in some enterprise
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Blue Express InternationalTrade (shanghai) Co., Ltd. isone of the major hydrofluo-ric acid exporters in China.According to executivesfrom the company, the re-d