
来源 :云南农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:janebudian
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1976—1979年,我们在保山、施甸、富民等地早中稻秧苗上,应用浸液浓缩针刺接种法检测到外表不显症状的秧苗上确有白叶枯病菌的存在。病菌以“保菌”的状态存在于秧苗组织中。随着秧苗移栽,病菌分散至大田,成为大田病菌主要来源之一。采用秧田施药,将病原菌减少到难以发展成灾的程度,可以有效地减轻大田期水稻白叶枯病的为害。然而,对自然情况下的秧苗带菌组织的解剖观察,以及水稻白叶枯病菌的侵染途径,目前看法尚不一致。1979年,我们用红墨水染色法检测了这种带菌秧苗,观察到白叶枯病菌尚未阻塞导管。1980—81年,又采用生物测定和病理解剖等方法,对秧苗带菌的部位以及侵染方式 From 1976 to 1979, we detected the presence of Xanthomonas oryzae in seedlings of early-middle-season rice seedlings in Baoshan, Shidian, Fumin and other places by immersion concentrated acupuncture. Bacteria in the “bacteria” state exists in the seedling tissue. With the transplanting of seedlings, the germs spread to the field and become one of the main sources of the germs in the field. The use of seedling application of pathogenic bacteria to reduce the degree of difficulty in the development of disaster, can effectively reduce the rice field blight in rice disease. However, the current situation is still not consistent with the anatomical observation of the seedling-bearing tissues in natural conditions and the infection pathway of the bacterial leaf blight of rice. In 1979, we tested this fungal seedling with a red ink stain and observed that the bacterial blight of bacteria did not block the catheter. 1980 - 81 years, but also using bioassay and pathological anatomy and other methods, the site of the seedlings and infestation
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1979年4~5月间,广州地区的尘白灯蛾Spilarctia obliqua Walker幼虫种群中,发生了一种真菌Tarichium sp.感染造成的流行病,次年同期再度发生。患病幼虫死亡前表现狂燥,爬至高
在通常大气压下,日本丽金龟(Popilla japonica Newman)经化学不育剂替派(Tepa)和噻替派(Thiotepa)薰蒸处理后,不论对雄虫或雌虫都产生了绝育效果。其中噻替派更为有效。试验
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