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初中历史教学中,积极创设情境教学,完全符合新课改的教育理念和要求,也是符合学生的求知欲和心理认知特点,通过情境教学,能够从很大程度上提高学生学习历史课程的兴趣,增加他们的人文情怀,渲染其内心世界的感情色彩,这对于提高学生的历史成绩有着巨大的促进和推动作用。本文着重论述情境教学的实施途径,以及初中历史情境教学的重要意义。一、初中历史课程的特点决定了课堂上适宜采用情境教学历史课程标准提倡的人文主义精神、科学态度、民主与法制 In middle school history teaching, actively creating situational teaching fully complies with the educational concepts and requirements of the new curriculum reform. It is also in line with the curiosity and psychological cognitive characteristics of students. By means of situational teaching, students’ interest in learning history courses can be greatly improved , Increase their human feelings, and render their inner world’s feelings and colors, which have a tremendous role in promoting students’ historical achievements. This article focuses on the implementation of situational teaching, as well as the importance of junior high school history teaching. First, the characteristics of junior high school history curriculum determines that the classroom should adopt the humanistic spirit, scientific attitude, democracy and legal system advocated by the historical curriculum standard of situational teaching
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